RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah announced the formation of a commission of inquiry into the "leaking" of a historic property in East Jerusalem to an Israeli settlement association.

A statement issued by the government after its weekly meeting in Ramallah said that al-Hamadallah formed a committee of inquiry to "stand on the reality and circumstances of the issue of Jerusalem property and the accountability of the relevant parties in order to see all the relevant documents."

A Palestinian dispute over the sale of a historic property in the Darwish area of ​​the Old City of East Jerusalem was recently raised after a settlement takeover on Thursday.

The property is only a few dozen meters away from the Al-Aqsa Mosque and consists of three floors.

The results of the investigation will be announced to the public immediately after the completion of the mission and the prosecution of those involved and brought to justice.

The statement condemned the "seizure of the historic property in the obstacle Darwish in conjunction with the attack settlement settlement on the Silwan neighborhood adjacent to the Aqsa Mosque from the south."

The Palestinian Authority prohibits any sale of Palestinian property in East Jerusalem to Israeli authorities, and the violators meet with judicial proceedings.

On the other hand, Israeli occupation forces demolished three houses in the village of Halawa in Mafar Yatta south of Hebron.

Local sources said that the bulldozers of the occupation demolished the houses of Jibril Ahmed Ismail, and lived in his house five people, Yasser Khalil Younis and four people, and Mohammed Ali Mohammed Abu Aram, 12 people, and donated by the GVC, With 13 children.

The sources added that the reason for the demolition was under the pretext of the lack of authorization, but the purpose behind it to force the population to leave their agricultural land.

For her part, German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a telephone conversation with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, yesterday, the position of her country and the European Union in support of achieving peace in accordance with the two-state solution.

According to the official Palestinian news agency WAFA, Merkel "briefed Abbas on the results of her meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu" during her visit to Israel last weekend.

The agency quoted Merkel as saying that the European Union provided great support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), "in order to continue its role assigned by the United Nations."

Merkel also expressed concern about the situation in the Gaza Strip.

For his part, Abbas thanked Germany for its economic support to build state institutions and support UNRWA.

"In terms of the relationship with Israel or the United States of America, he stressed his commitment to political action and not to reject the negotiations." But it must be based on the two-state solution on the 1967 borders, the resolutions of international legitimacy, Such as 5 + 1.

On the other hand, the Palestinian cabinet sharply criticized the Doha system yesterday, following Qatar's decision to provide aid to Gaza through Israel, rejecting what he called "suspicious transactions" and promised to step aside from legitimacy.

"The implementation of development projects and anything that would alleviate the suffering of our people in Gaza must pass through the government or in coordination with it," the cabinet said at the end of its weekly session in Ramallah.

Merkel asserts support for peace in Middle East