The French judiciary will consider the possible involvement of six people in secret commissions, France said, quoting sources as saying that France would sell submarines to Pakistan and frigates to Saudi Arabia.

They will be represented in October in a Paris Misdemeanor Court, under the so-called Karachi case.

The investigation focused initially on the involvement of al Qaeda in an attack carried out in the Pakistani city of Karachi in 2002, killing 15 people, including French.

But it soon began to look into the possibility that the attack was a retaliation for France's refusal to pay a commission for deals with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

After years of investigations, it was decided to summon the six persons to appear before the courts to determine the circumstances of the case.

It should be noted that among the suspects are persons closely associated with French politicians and ministers, as well as businessmen.

Of the six, three are in the public domain: Nicole Bazaire, former director of the electoral campaign of Edouard Balladour, former Defense Minister Francois Leotard, and Thierry Gaubert, who was a member of the Office of Budget Minister Nicolas Sarkozy at the time.

The other three are: Dominique Castellan, former director of the international division of the French maritime group, Lebanese businessman Ziad Taqi al-Din, and the Spanish mediator of Lebanese origin Abdel Rahman al-Assir.