The court in Arnhem, in the south of the Netherlands, on December 3 dismissed Emile Ratelband, a 69-year-old Dutchman who wanted to be rejuvenated for twenty years, claiming to be "a victim of discrimination".

A Dutch court on Monday (December 3rd) refused to change the legal age of a 69-year-old man who had asked the court to rejuvenate him for two decades, claiming to be "a victim of discrimination" .

Describing himself as a "young God" and saying he feels "sharp," Emile Ratelband wanted his date of birth to be changed in his passport, from March 11, 1949 to March 11, 1969.

Not a valid argument

The court of Arnhem, in the south-east of the Netherlands, however, refused this unusual request, judged as "perfectly legitimate" by Emile Ratelband, who had left the magistrates speechless.

"The court recognizes the tendency in society for people to feel more and more fit and healthy, but do not see it as a valid argument for changing someone's date of birth , " he said. the court said in a statement.

According to Emile Ratelband's doctor, the sex age of the sexagenarian is between 40 and 45, the unmarried father had said in early November.

"Free to feel 20 years younger"

"I feel abused, harmed and discriminated against by my age," both in the job market and in love, said Emile Ratelband, personal coach "specializing in the development of self-awareness . " "Today we can choose our work, gender, political and sexual orientations. We even have the right to change our name. So why not have the right to change your age? He had questioned at a hearing before the judges.

"Mr. Ratelband is free to feel 20 years younger than his actual age and act accordingly. But changing his date of birth would make 20 years of records of civil status disappear , " said the court.

"This would involve all kinds of undesirable legal and social consequences , " said the judges, adding that the Dutch law and case law did not allow it.