There was a public disagreement with millions of people between Kylian Conway, a senior adviser to US President Donald Trump and her husband on the president's mental health.

Kilian Conway is known as one of President Trump's strongest defenders.

But she did not face the challenge of having to argue with her husband, prominent lawyer George Conway, who told Twitter and the Washington Post that her boss was not in good shape.

In his latest tweet there are a number of symptoms - he says they match Trump - denoting the "anti-social and narcissistic personality disorder".

"All Americans should now seriously consider Tramp's mental state and mental state, including in particular the media, the Congress, the vice president and the government," he wrote earlier.

Kilian Conway, the usual face of television news programs, found herself in front of the lenses again on Monday.

"No, I do not share those concerns," she said.

"I have four children and I took them out of the house this morning before coming here to talk to the president ... so I may not be well informed about the matter," she said.