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Mass celebrated at the Saint-Sulpice church (Paris) on April 17, 2019, two days after the Notre-Dame-de-Paris fire JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP

The celebration of Wednesday, April 17, 2019, in full Holy Week, has a special place for believers as among non-believers. After the tragedy that affected Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, the church of Saint-Sulpice hosts the Chrism Mass. On the forecourt of the church, believers, unbelievers and curious gathered in front of the giant screen to listen to the celebration with emotion.

With our special correspondent , Emmanuel Calafiore

Saint-Sulpice seems very small compared to Notre-Dame de Paris. If a few hundred faithful are inside, others are sitting in front of the giant screen, in the square or on the fountain, this Wednesday, April 17th.

Maylis is happy to share this moment, although she has hesitated to come. " At first I said to myself: I'm not going there, there is no Mass at Notre Dame, " she explains. And then, I thought it was important to go anyway to the Chrism Mass and Saint-Sulpice. The Church is in our heart. She is in the stones, but she is also in our heart . "

For Sirg, this celebration is special. For this young priest in training, coming to Saint-Sulpice is like a rediscovery: " It's a new situation. It is very surprising to come to the Chrism Mass at Saint-Sulpice. Now, it's going to be a little "cathedral bis". And yes, it's a bit like seeing your family in a new way. We rediscover a little . "

At 18:50, the bells rang in unison

And at 18:50, at the time when the fire broke out at Notre-Dame on Monday, a particular emotion seizes the faithful as the non-believers, when all the bells resound and ring in unison.

French living abroad, Carole, although baptized, is not practicing. However, coming today was important: " Our tourist steps brought us to this place Saint-Sulpice. We feel a certain emotion on this place. We stayed to enjoy this moment of meditation, "she says.

Despite the drama in this week of celebration of the Resurrection, everyone present did not doubt the reconstruction of Our Lady.

►Also read: Fire of Notre-Dame de Paris: emotion to South Africa