An Arab child was lightly burned after playing with fire, and caused the fire of an abandoned house garden in Dahan area in Ras Al Khaimah.

A source in the Department of Civil Defense in Ras Al Khaimah told Emirates Al-Youm that the operating room received a message at 7:15 pm yesterday evening that a 14-year-old boy was slightly burned after playing with fire and setting him on fire in a house garden lawn Abandoned in the area of ​​paint. He explained that the competent teams immediately moved to the house. The injured child was taken to the hospital for treatment by the national ambulance. The simple fire was extinguished and the file of the fire was handed over to Ras Al Khaimah Police for legal action.

All families should monitor their children and not allow them to use flammable lighters and flammable equipment to avoid risking or igniting fires and causing property losses.

In a separate incident, the Civil Defense Operations Room received a report on Monday that a collision between a heavy truck and a light vehicle on Daikha Street injured a citizen, the rear cab of the truck deteriorated, and diesel and gasoline were spilled on the highway.

According to a source in the civil defense that the injured national ambulance was transferred to the hospital for treatment, and took the fire and rescue teams to secure the road, until the arrival of municipal workers to remove diesel and gasoline from the road.

He pointed out that the teams concerned at the scene of the accident opened the lid of the light vehicle, and separated the battery from it, to avoid a fire in the vehicle and the place, as a result of the leakage of petroleum derivatives.