About 83 Palestinians were injured by the Israeli occupation forces, who participated in the 53rd day of the Al-Aqsa Intifada and the siege on the eastern Gaza Strip.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health Ashraf al-Qadra said in a statement that among the injured "three cases ranging from serious and critical were transferred to Shifa Hospital" in Gaza City.

The Supreme National Commission for the Return of the Siege and the siege in a statement confirmed the continuation of popular activities in the Gaza Strip until the lifting of the siege completely.

The Israeli army used tear gas canisters, "from which red smoke comes out for the first time and may be poison gas." Protesters lit tires during protests.

Thousands of Palestinians took part in the protests on March 30, 2018, demanding the lifting of the Israeli siege imposed more than a decade ago and the establishment of the "right of return" for refugees who were expelled from their homes 70 years ago, the organization said.

On the other hand, the head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" Ismail Haniyeh during the Friday sermon that "our people will not retreat from the march of return only to end the siege on the road to end the occupation."

"We are moving in three ways to pressure the occupation to respond to the demands of the Palestinian people, there is positive movement in the talks of calm, unity and our strategic choice and reconciliation legitimacy, and the formation of a government of all factions." "Our cause is not humanitarian, it is a matter of national liberation."