72 governors of the Algerian states of the ruling National Liberation Front (NFL) announced their support for the popular movement which began on February 22, demanding that the current coordinator of the leadership, Maaz Bouchareb, leave office because of his lack of legitimacy.

"We are the governors of the National Liberation Front (FLN) meeting on Sunday (March 17th) at the headquarters of the province of Al-Ahdhariah in the province of Bouira," a statement issued by the conservatives said.

"We reject any dealings with the delegates of this illegal body of the party, and we call on the members of the Central Committee to meet in a regular session, as soon as possible from the party," the statement said. Election of a legitimate leadership ".

"Since the FLN is an integral part of the people and its motto (from the people and the people), we warmly greet the popular masses and the spirit of responsibility and civilized behavior that express with all sincerity the aspirations of the Algerian people to build a modern democratic state ruled by justice and freedom."

The governors also hailed the efforts made by members of the National People's Army.