As a result of the child's inability to express himself or by simulations or gestures, crying is the means to communicate with his environment to tell him that he needs something. What does crying mean?

Certainly, all young mothers, even those who are most kindly and understanding, have felt a bit of discontent with their children crying. What does a child want to say by crying, even though everything looks fine?

Although it is impossible to know exactly what your baby is thinking when he cries in a panic, it is possible that the crying spells have many meanings.

Before explaining the various types of crying, it must be recalled that it is normal for the baby to cry. The healthy child, who has no special needs and does not suffer any physical or psychological pain, is believed to be crying for several hours throughout the day.

This is normal because crying is the only way to express oneself. As he grows up and discovers other ways of communicating with his surroundings, his seizures gradually decrease, except for periods of tooth growth. According to a report by author Jane Dembier on Canal Channel.

It is important for the mother to understand that her new baby is not only crying because of a change in temperament. There is always a reason to explain his cry. Therefore, he does not do so for the purpose of manipulating the mother. This method is adopted only at later periods, especially between 12 months and 2 years.

Most often the child cries because he is hungry (Pixabee)

These are the types of crying baby:

Crying hunger
Most often the child cries because he is hungry. In fact, he has to get used to feeding him not by umbilical cord, as it was during pregnancy.

Child cries of hunger appear during regular intervals, when the effects of satiety related to the last breast-feeding he receives have disappeared. If the child's need is not met, his loud cries will rise, reflecting his deep anger. These attacks usually end when they breastfeed.

Lack of feeling comfortable
The baby cries when he or she does not feel comfortable, that is, when he feels very cold or hot, when his diapers get dirty, or his clothes are too tight. In other words, your toddler cries when he is in an uncomfortable position. If he has just eaten, make sure there is no other reason to bother him.

Bouts of crying associated with a lack of comfort are usually a kind of quiet "sneezing" or loud shouting. Sometimes it is enough to change the position of the child or carry it in your arms, to put an end to this crisis.

Crying fatigue
The baby is busy all day, as he makes many discoveries and has to adapt to the new environment in which he lives. For this reason, at the end of these days of exploration, the infant often expresses his fatigue by crying. This is especially true for days that are full of emotions. Visiting relatives and outings contributes to the feeling of tiredness more than usual.

It is easy to predict crying episodes associated with fatigue, because the child is very moving, and yawn and rub his eyes before that.

Bouts of crying associated with lack of comfort are usually a kind of quiet "sneeze" or high-pitched scream (Pixabee)

Crying need for tenderness
The child needs you, he likes to talk to him and put him in your arms and have physical contact with you. Sometimes the baby cries just to hug him. On the other hand, some babies, more than others, need caresses, pregnancy and solitude.

Crying need to stir
Children express themselves by tears when they need to move and entertain. The situation will improve once their independence is developed, that is, when they are able to rotate on their stomachs or backs, or are able to take their own toys or sit and move.

Crying sickness
If the baby starts to cry, it may be due to illness. Crying episodes associated with a health problem are very urgent.

If you can not stop your baby crying by the usual means, and if suspicious periods of silence interrupt his strange and repeated bouts (which made you worried about his health), do not hesitate to consult a pediatrician.

Crying colic
Many babies suffer from colic, which is due relatively to a stomach-related problem. If the baby cries after eating, accompanied by torsions and bulging of the abdomen, it is likely that he suffers from colic. In this case, place your baby in your arms and calm down. It is also recommended to gently massage the abdomen.

Sandy your baby
Some say that if the baby had no reason to cry, it would be better not to pay attention to his crying, for fear of turning him into a spoiled child.

But, do not believe such tips. If you take your baby's tears seriously and give him the attention he wants, you will not necessarily make him a moody child. In return, you will be encouraged to develop a relationship based on attachment and mutual trust between you.