Cleveland Hospital Abu Dhabi said Ramadan is the perfect time to reconsider the need to quit smoking, which is one of the most dangerous unhealthy habits on the body, which is of benefit and positive impact on efforts to maintain good health, noting that the cessation of smoking In all its forms, during the daytime in the month of Ramadan by virtue of fasting, works to provide the catalyst needed by the smoker, to quit smoking permanently.

He said that the amount of chemicals released by shisha smoke is 100 times higher than that of cigarettes. The amount of chemicals inhaled during a 60-minute shisha session is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes.

On its official website, the hospital published a medical plan to help smokers quit nicotine during Ramadan.

Dr. Ayad Hassan, assistant professor at the Institute of Microbiology at the hospital, said that the health benefits of quiters are clear during the first few days of a non-nicotine-free life. Changes begin in the first 20 minutes of the body. Stop smoking, blood pressure starts to fall, blood circulation improves from a few days to a few weeks, and the sense of smell and taste returns to work effectively, breathing becomes easier, and lung function improves significantly by up to 30% during the first week.

"The month of Ramadan is an opportunity to quit smoking gradually and reduce tobacco consumption naturally during the day," he said, noting that the cessation of smoking between sunrise and sunset can, psychologically, prompt smokers to question why Smoking, how to treat it, how to practice the normal daily routines, and avoid the factors that stimulate smoking, which is essential to succeed in leaving this harmful habit in the long term.

"Cigarette consumption may decline during the month of Ramadan, but other forms of smoking, such as shisha and hothouses, continue to be very popular during the month, which means that smoking continues to harm the health itself, although smoking different forms," ​​he said. It is necessary to combine a number of basic factors, the most important of which is to develop a clear strategy, motivation, awareness and motivation to quit smoking, especially since quitting smoking may seem difficult for smokers for a long time.

The nicotine concentration in the smoker is equivalent to three cigarettes in one session, while the biggest problem for shisha at the concentration level The amount of chemicals released by shisha smoke is 100 times higher than that of cigarettes. The amount of chemicals inhaled during a 60-minute hookah smoking session is equivalent to smoking 100 oz. A trade.

"It is entirely possible to quit the smoking habit with individual efforts, but choosing a strategy that combines support and therapeutic drugs will double the chances of success in quitting smoking by two or three," he said, adding that support includes counseling to help identify causes or triggers. To develop a strategy to avoid or eliminate these stimuli, along with advice and steps to deal with the actual body response to smoking cessation, any reversals that may occur, adaptation and adaptation to a non-smoking lifestyle.


"Therapeutic drugs can be used to support smoking cessation efforts, such as nicotine patches, which allow skin to be placed during fasting, and drug tablets that help resist smoking cravings and reduce the effects of smoking," said Dr. Iyad Hassan, assistant professor at the Institute of Microbiology. To smoke various tobacco products, taken twice a day, once before dawn to start fasting, and again the evening after breakfast ».

He stressed the importance of avoiding smoking electronic cigarette, as a means to stop smoking, especially as many smokers who resort to this method, ending with relapse and return to their old habits.


An improvement in lung function, during the first week of smoking cessation.