Dubai's economy will grow by between 2.1 and 2.3 per cent next year, officials said, confirming their positive and optimistic outlook for the local economy, supported by government stimulus measures issued at the local and federal levels.

"The UAE is a successful economic model, because it has focused on people from the beginning," they said. "Next year will see a new wave of emerging projects and entrepreneurs, with the state's interest at the local and federal levels, giving them Projects are a strong push forward.

The session witnessed a variety of perspectives and views on the most important opportunities and challenges facing the Arab economies during the coming period.

The Minister of Energy and Industry, Eng. Suhail Al Mazrouei, stressed the importance of investment in human capital and its role in leading the economies of the region towards raising growth rates and achieving its strategic objectives.

The Emirati writer and researcher Dr. Abdul Khaliq Abdullah answered a question about whether the economy is leading the political situation or vice versa. He said that both the economic and political sides have a great impact on the other side, which are ultimately two sides of the same coin. He cited, for example, the ongoing war in Yemen and the expected positive effects on the economies of the region once they stopped.

In the same context, the President of the Emirates Center for Policy, Ibtisam al-Kutbi, stressed that the economic and political decisions are linked to each other, so it is necessary for the strategic plan of the countries to include both components, in order to finally achieve positive results.

"We can not predict what 2019 is going to be, apart from the performance of countries over the years that preceded it. What is important here is that government visions and agendas should not be limited to just one year. For example, I believe that channeling Arab investments to promote technological knowledge for new generations is the locomotive that will lead the countries of the region to the best results in the future. "

"The projected growth rate for the emirate's economy will be between 2.1 and 2.3 per cent next year, a very good rate compared to growth rates in the region," said Sami Al Qamzi, Director General of Dubai Economy. "In 2019, it is necessary to strengthen the optimistic outlook in order to stimulate all sectors of the economy by strengthening liquidity to achieve progress in the projects launched by the state during the past period."

He pointed out that the most prominent features of the policy of the Emirate of Dubai financial, during the next year, is to continue work on infrastructure projects driven by projects «Expo», and pumping government liquidity in these projects.

The session concluded with the vision of the Executive Director of the Mohammed bin Rashid Establishment for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, Abdulbaset Al Janahi, on the status of SMEs in the coming year.

"We expect the next year to witness a large number of new entrants to the market with promising projects, especially with the country's interest in small and medium-sized enterprises, as its strategy supports the sector as a prime engine for creating jobs, especially for citizens. Every dollar invests in small and medium enterprises "It's about $ 12 for the local economy."