UNICEF said 15 Syrian children had died in camps in Syria as a result of the cold and lack of medical assistance.

At least eight children died in the Al-Rikban camp on the Syrian-Jordanian border as a result of the cold and the absence of any medical and humanitarian assistance for some 45,000 displaced people living in the camp, UNICEF said in a statement.

She explained that seven other children had died during the displacement of their families from the areas of state organization in rural Deir Ezzor to the camps, where they waited for a long time to allow them to pass through the barriers to the camps in areas known as Syria's democratic forces.

UNICEF called on all parties to allow immediate and immediate access to medical and humanitarian assistance to the camp.

At Atma camp in the northern suburb of Idleb on the Syrian border with Turkey, al-Jazeera correspondent reported that heavy rains flooded dozens of tents, causing more suffering to hundreds of families living in these tents.

Rainwater flooded entire camps north of Syria at the end of last month, while more than 1.5 million displaced people live in Idlib camps.

A snowstorm that hit Lebanon on Monday hit dozens of camps, badly hit by snow, rain and torrential rains, and non-governmental organizations feared the dangers of the displaced.

"The situation of the displaced Syrians in the camps of Arsal (east) has worsened after the Storm Norma," the mayor of Arsal said. "The number of Syrians in the town is close to 60,000 displaced in 126 camps.

He explained that "the displaced are in a state of indecency, living in tents of cloth and nylon laminated with wood and lack the basic elements of life," pointing out that "the winds uproot the tents from the foundation and the accumulation of snow destroys and water seeps easily."