The Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHAD) confirmed that there are 12 precautionary measures to protect workers from the dangers of wind in the open workplaces, considering that the high winds are a common phenomenon in the country, the maximum speed of the maximum may exceed 100 km / h, Recording constant wind speeds of 50 km / h, and warned the center of the danger of extreme winds, especially for workers in high places, pointing out that they are more vulnerable to the winds and most affected by severe.

The center said in a press statement that the cranes and towers are particularly vulnerable and can be overturned by the wind if they are not insured in the right way, noting that the wind can knock people working in high places to the edges, increasing the chances of falling from If they do not have adequate protection at the edges.

The strong winds have the ability to move materials such as tile surfaces and aggregates quickly, which leads to collision with people, with the possibility of stirring sand and dust, which causes damage to the eyes or irritation, as well as exacerbation of asthma.

The center warned that severe winds could cause hearing problems to be so bad that workers may be unaware of vehicles approaching them if they can not hear them.

The Center stressed the need to review the work carried out in the high and external places when the wind speed or exceed the top speed of 38 km / h to ensure the possibility of continuing safely, pointing out that the review should be based on risk assessment that takes into account the current and expected wind speed and weather conditions The high level of work in progress and any circumstances or risks that may affect the safety and health of those who carry out the work or are affected by the work.

The center noted that it is necessary to ensure the safe packing of the tools, as well as securing the roof panels, cones, signs and other bulk materials, and ensuring the securing of any cranes or lifting equipment, securing things that can be easily knocked down by the strong winds and ensuring that the temporary fences or the walls of the site are secured, Ensure that any chemical or hazardous materials are secured and covered with extreme care when picking up large wood or other similar flat materials. They can act as a sailboat and ensure that workers are aware of ropes to control load when lifting wide surface loads.

He pointed out to the workers to wear the tools of protection against falling, and not to stand near the materials stacked or construction, and wear protection tools to protect the eyes from dust and debris and other foreign particles, in addition to the need to ensure that the helmet helmets tightly.

He pointed to the need to take a series of other preventive measures, the need to issue alerts to employees, and inspection of buildings and projects to ensure the removal of any loose materials and secure things, and make sure to close all windows and not open the doors only as necessary, as strong winds can easily remove the doors of joints , Remove lightweight or bulk objects from open spaces, and stop any lifting work if the wind speed reaches or exceeds the maximum speed of 38 km / h, and ensure the securing of cranes and lifting equipment.

Driving during heavy winds

In terms of driving and securing vehicles during extreme winds, the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHAD) confirmed that the prevention measures are as follows: • Ensure that employees are aware of the need to drive only if driving safely, delaying transport and driving vehicles if not necessary. , Until the quiet of the wind and the lack of driving vehicles with high sides, and ease of speed, and check the condition of good tires and glass wipers, and not driving near other cars, while increasing the safety distance between vehicles, and exit the vehicle from the road to a safe place if the vision becomes bad for Too, even better.

The need to review works in high places when the wind speed reaches 38 km / h.