We spend a lot of time in the kitchen and eat our food, so we have to pay attention to health risks that may be hidden.

We should pay attention to the food preparation phase, the tools we use at home, and the products that can turn our food into toxins that are very harmful to our health.

Here we present 12 health hazards that may be in the kitchen:

1 - ammonia
This substance is a detergent and is present in many household hygiene products, but it contains high toxicity. They should never be used indoors because they release gases that seep through the airway and damage the lungs, eyes and skin, and in extreme cases can cause blindness and breathing problems, according to a report by author Aurora Segura in the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.

2. Non-adhesive utensils
This type of dish is excellent for cooking food, but a lot of caution is needed. When these pots are too hot or scratched with a spoon, they release poisonous particles that can leak into the food.

The danger of these non-adhesive pots lies not only in teflon, the brand name of these vessels, but in another substance called fluorinated organic acid (PFOA), which degrades at high temperatures. It should be noted that this article banned in the European Union since 2017, and many companies have started to get rid of them and write on their products that they do not contain this article.

3 - plastic food cans
No problem using these cans to save food, but putting them in the microwave to heat up the food involves a risk because they can excrete substances such as bisphinol, especially when eating contains fat. These substances affect endocrine action, which can lead to an imbalance in the production of estrogen and testosterone hormones, and can affect brain growth.

It is very important to follow the rules for ventilation of the kitchen, especially with gas-fired stoves (Pixabee)

4- Generation dishwashers
This substance contains phthalates, which are phthalic acid salts and esters. They do not pose a health hazard when exposed in small quantities. However, laboratory experiments in animals confirm that this substance has effects on the reproductive system. Therefore, care should be taken when using or replacing it with detergents Other.

5. Bleaching liquid
This substance is widely used to eliminate germs, but it must be wary of them because they cause skin infections, respiratory problems and even death.

According to studies, there is a link between the exposure of children to this substance and their suffering from health problems. Experiments involving 9,000 children from several European countries have shown that this substance has increased the risk of influenza by 20% and laryngitis by 35%.

6. Oven cleaners
Many of these detergents contain sodium hydroxide, more commonly known as caustic soda, a substance that has the effect of corrosion and can cause many burns when it touches the skin or eye. When inhaled it can also affect the throat and lead to infections lasting for days. When using these materials, you should wear gloves and a face mask, taking care to ventilate the place, and if necessary use a fan or air blower.

7. Antiseptics of germs
The Food and Drug Administration in the United States has warned that there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the use of these substances protects us from disease more effectively than using regular soap and water. These detergents can cause long-term side effects and make bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Some of the substances in their composition are suspected to cause skin infections.

8. Multi-use detergents
These widely used materials usually contain bipolar ethanol, which can cause problems in the skin, throat, liver and kidneys. These substances may contain ammonia gas, or sodium hydroxide, which are also harmful substances.

Scratches caused by the knife on the chopping board can multiply the bacteria and then spread to other foods (Pixapi)

9. Natural detergents
According to some experts, these detergents have not been adequately studied to ensure they have no side effects. Even detergents consisting mainly of plant sources contain secondary substances that can be toxic.

10. Gas stove
It is very important to follow the rules on ventilation of the kitchen, especially with gas-fired stoves because they emit carbon dioxide and formaldehyde, known for their toxicity, especially when inhaled.

11. Silicon
This material is used extensively because it combines cleanliness, aesthetic and practical use, but it is not as safe as it looks, so be careful to buy high quality silicone utensils. Experiments have shown that silicone pots can produce toxic substances when they go down or rise too much.

12 - plastic cutting boards
This tool is present in every kitchen, but it can cause health problems. Scratches that the knife makes on the cutting board can multiply the bacteria and then move to the other foods that are placed on top of the plate. This can be avoided by washing the cutting board well by hand, and when the cracks become deep it is best to get rid of it.