The Dubai Criminal Court sentenced 10 years to an Asian visitor who hid 96 capsules containing drugs and weighed about one kilogram. The security services succeeded in arresting him at Dubai airport while trying to enter the country.

A Dubai Customs inspector said that a warrant had been issued against the suspect before arriving in the UAE. When he arrived at Dubai airport, he was arrested and searched for his luggage, but no suspicious items or objects were found. He was subjected to self-examination X-ray examination, strange objects were observed in his stomach.

In the face of the accused, he stated that he was carrying capsules containing heroin and amphetamines in his possession, for transfer to a person in Dubai, to be promoted by the latter, and that he took a sum of money for this task. He was referred to the General Directorate of Drug Control in Dubai Police, Rashid Hospital, where 96 capsules filled with drugs were emptied. Investigations revealed that information was received about the man before he arrived in the country after monitoring suspicious activities.

The defendant denied the charge of bringing drugs to the state. He said he did not know the nature of the capsules he was asked to swallow. The court convicted him and sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment, deportation and a fine of 50,000 dirhams.