Security experts and bankers stressed that there is an urgent need to develop additional means of protection, which prevents the penetration of bank accounts for customers, especially what they know the owners of dormant accounts «Sleep», pointing out that it was proved from the study of frequent breaches that the passcode is not enough to protect those accounts, The success of crooks in extracting lost telephone chips for victims from telecommunications companies, using fake agencies, and exploiting these segments to obtain different traffic codes from banks.

In a session to look into the future of combating cybercrime, the experts set up 10 recommendations to reduce the gaps that lead to such crimes, including the development of a technology to monitor dormant accounts by artificial intelligence, Suspicious or unfamiliar account, issue a direct warning to the bank, develop additional means to protect accounts, prevent any transfers before making sure that the order was issued by the same account holder, and expand the use of Block Qin technology to reduce this type of penetration.

The proposed solutions also included coordination with the two telecommunications companies not to issue a lost allowance for any telephone segment, except to the owner of the same phone, and to communicate with the owners of the dormant accounts "dormant" periodically, to ensure their follow-up and to comply with the instructions of the Central Bank to close those accounts, With their owners.

The experts recommended not only initial scrutiny of employees prior to appointment, but also the need to monitor their activities during work, especially when copying or sending data through Computers in banks, leaving the possibility of photographing those data by phone cameras.

The experts also recommended finding a mechanism to resolve the dispute between victims and banks through the Central Bank, speeding the process of litigation in such cases to restore rights to owners in a timely manner, in addition to sensitizing community members on how to protect their accounts from penetration in this way, A problem with the use of their local telephone lines registered with the bank, even if they are outside the state, and do not wait until the return.

The state courts have dealt with several cases of bank customers whose accounts have been compromised in one way: leaking their data to specialized gangs, extracting fraudsters instead of losing their phone chips using forged documents, such as public agencies, then contacting banks with new chips, Banks are using new codes to make direct transfers and seize balances.

One of the most prominent cases currently being investigated is the case of a housewife who lives in the state. She discovered that unknown persons broke into her account after they took her phone number with a trick. They then swindled the bank and withdrew its full amount (873 thousand dirhams).

Investigations revealed that the 29-year-old (Asian businessman), together with other unidentified individuals, forged an official document, which included documents requesting the transfer of the telephone of the victim registered on behalf of his company to another company. They also took the photo of her identity card by replacing her image with another, On the expiration date and card number, forging other non-official documents, including a No Objection Certificate by transferring a telephone number issued to the accused, requesting a transfer of AED 873,000 from the account to another account.

Close the gaps

Director General of Investigations and Criminal Investigations at Dubai Police Brigadier General Jamal Al Jallaf told Emirates Al Youm that a future lookout session organized by the department, including experts in electronic evidence, cyber crimes, the Central Bank, banks and various entities, , And developed solutions to close the gaps that lead to these crimes.

He pointed out that these recommendations will be followed through the Center for the future vision of Dubai Police, to ensure implementation or at least follow up what can be applied in practice.