
The yellow vest movement, which started with oil price cuts, has been shaking throughout France for a month, as well as throughout France. More than 970 people have been arrested yesterday (8 days) during the protests, including firefighting and looting.

It is a correspondent of the shipbuilding in Paris.


In the streets of Champs-Elysees, a typical sightseeing spot in Paris, tear gas, water cannons and dialysis between the yellow vest protesters and the police continued throughout the day.

As you can see from the Arc de Triomphe, there is a radical demonstration of a yellow vest for a month. In the afternoon, violence, such as vehicle firefighting and looting, occurred simultaneously in various parts of Paris.

More than 125,000 yellow vest protesters took part in France, including 120 police officers. Police arrested 970 people on the spot for violent demonstrations.

The French government said it would abolish the oil tax increase plan last week and revive the wealth, but the scale of the demonstration is gradually increasing.

[Yellow vest protesters: France is not my thing right now. We will fight to the end to make a proper country.]

Marlon is expected to announce his position early next week as the yellow vest protest is spreading to the campaign to rescue President Mark Long.