Today (24th) Christmas Eve Have you been meaningful? I am working now.

I have been preparing for the busy world of Santa. <Oh! Click> The first search term is 'Santa in each country'.

First of all, we are familiar with Finnish Santa Claus. It is a lot of boats on a not so big key. Rudolph walks in a carriage and picks up a gift bag.

Also in Germany, Michan Dorf is a group of 1,000 Santa. Where are all these people going? It seems that there are children's santa among these.

And then the Swiss Santa go skiing instead of Rudolf. The Belarusian Santa also goes kayaking in the winter.

In Germany, Santa appeared on a motorcycle with a stern look. If you ride a motorcycle, it will be able to meet you more quickly.

I can also meet Santa in the water in Manila, Philippines.

I am looking forward to receiving another memorable gift this Christmas.

"Santa is adapting to the change of transportation, please come on a motorcycle quickly." "Everyone should send a happy Christmas with a family or a lover." And so on.