The ABC has been growing since the winner of the US $ 1,573 million (about 1.74 trillion won) winner of the US lottery prize, (Reuters)

"The identity of the person who bought the winning lottery at the convenience store KC Mart in Simpsonville, South Carolina, remains a mystery," said Seth Elkin, spokesman for the Maryland Lottery Commission overseeing the Mega Millions lottery.

"I have not heard from the winner yet," he said. "The winner must claim the winnings within 180 days." April 21, next year is the deadline. "

If the winner does not find the prize money, the money is either returned to the prize money or entered the South Carolanian Development Fund, which is funded by Mega Millions proceeds.

On the 23rd of last month, the winning lottery numbers were 5, 28, 62, 65, 70 and mega ball 5. The probability of winning is one third of 300 million.

Tony Cooper of the South Carolina Education Lottery told the winner, "I want you to sign it on the back of the lottery ticket and keep it in a safe place."

South Carolina is a state where lottery winners do not have to disclose their identities.

Local media predicted that the winner is likely to be discussing plans with the help of lawyers, accountants and other specialists, after receiving the prizes.

Earlier on May 5, Singlemore Lane West (51), who lives in a small town in Redfield, Iowa, won half of the prize money for a $ 688 million (770 billion won) Powerball lottery.

West, one of the two winners, submitted the winning lottery ticket to the lottery committee and took a picture of the celebration.

(yunhap news)