Two Su-27 fighters from the duty force were raised to identify the target detected by air defense over the Baltic Sea, according to the Russian Defense Ministry’s Facebook page. Russian pilots have recognized the aircraft as an American strategic bomber B-52H Stratofortress.

"After the strategic bomber B-52H changed the flight trajectory away from the state border of the Russian Federation, the Russian fighters returned to the home airfield," the agency said in a statement.

A similar incident occurred on March 15th. Russian air defenses have spotted an American strategic bomber over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the B-52 flew with the transponder turned on “parallel course to the territorial waters of the Russian Federation”.

The minimum distance from the Stratofortress trajectory to the Russian border was 150 km. B-52 was taken to escort air defense systems and after some time turned in the opposite direction. According to the PlaneRadar flight monitoring service, the route of the American aircraft passed near the borders of Poland and the Kaliningrad region.

  • B-52 Stratofortress in Europe
  • © US Air Force

B-52 is one of the main bombers of the air component of the United States nuclear triad. The aircraft has been in service since 1955, but has been modernized several times. Modern versions of the Stratofortress are capable of carrying guided atomic bombs and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.

“The B-52 bomber is not a new machine, but it can use almost all types of aviation ammunition. There is an oral agreement between Russia and the United States on the banning of flights with nuclear weapons near each other’s borders. However, we know very well how Americans keep their promises. The emergence of any US strategic bomber even hundreds of kilometers from our borders cannot but cause some concern, ”said Vladimir Popov, a retired major general in an interview with RT.

"Come out of hibernation"

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, foreign aircraft are quite active intelligence activities near the Russian borders. From March 8 to 14, 19 foreign aircraft were approaching the Russian Federation. In order to prevent the violation of the state border, two domestic fighters took to the air.

According to the information of the American television channel CNN, at the end of last week, six B-52s were transferred to the UK to "practice flight skills and interaction in the theater of military operations" with European allies. Aircraft from the 2nd Bomber Wing of the United States Air Force (Louisiana) made a flight to Fairford Air Base, located in the south of the United Kingdom.

On March 18, the bombers flew over the Norwegian, Baltic and Mediterranean seas, as well as “to the region east of Kamchatka”. As noted by CNN, "many saw this as a weighty message to Russia, which celebrates the fifth anniversary of the military annexation of the Crimea." On March 20, the B-52 took part in the exercises, which took place in Lithuania at the airfield in Kazlu Rud of the Marijampole region.

However, Vladimir Popov believes that the frequent flights of American aircraft are not associated with the fifth anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea to Russia. According to him, the US Air Force "comes out of hibernation" and begin an active training process at the "European theater of operations" in the spring and summer.

“There is a point of view that the crews of American aircraft were practicing strikes against Russian naval bases, airfields and missile systems positions. But I suppose that, in fact, the pilots were able to aim the sight at some of our military facilities for testing missile launches. It is no secret that Russia for the United States and NATO remains the most likely adversary. Spring flights in Europe and near the borders of the Russian Federation are part of the combat training of overseas pilots, ”explained Popov.

At the same time, the expert stressed that regular flights of American aircraft, including bombers, allow Russian servicemen to hone their skills in tracking air targets. According to Popov, the western and eastern regions of Russia are reliably protected by a layered air defense system, which includes long-range anti-aircraft systems and fighter aircraft.

“American planes do not pose a serious threat to Russia. However, in any case, their flights must be recorded, and all air targets should be taken on combat escort, even if their route runs over territorial waters. The image of the aerial target on the radar does not give an idea of ​​its purpose. Only fighters can identify the type of vessel and determine its ownership, ”said Popov.

As the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov noted, the transfer of six bombers to Europe causes additional tension.

"Such actions by the United States do not lead to the strengthening of the atmosphere of security and stability in the region that is directly adjacent to the borders of the Russian Federation," he stressed.

"Increase pressure"

On March 5, speaking to the Senate Committee on Armed Forces, the commander of the US Armed Forces in Europe, General Curtis Scaparotti, complained about the lack of ground and naval forces, reconnaissance and surveillance tools to "contain" Russia. In his opinion, Moscow is increasing its military presence in the region, forcing the United States to take similar measures.

“In the light of the fact that Russia is modernizing its increasingly aggressive forces, the European command recommends strengthening our troops attached and operating on a rotational basis in order to strengthen the deterrence potential,” said Scaparotti.

As suggested by the general, the United States should increase the ground grouping of troops, to transfer warships and aircraft carriers to European shores. According to Defense News, last year, Scaparotti requested funds from Congress to deploy an armored division, long-range artillery and engineering brigades.

  • NATO strategic drone
  • © NATO

In a conversation with RT, Vadim Kozyulin, a professor at the Academy of Military Sciences, suggested that the US commander in Europe might hint at the weakness of the eastern members of the alliance. He recalled that the armed forces of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are deprived of their own military aircraft. Since 2014, their airspace has been patrolled by fighters from other NATO member countries.

“For Americans, it is critically important to have total supremacy in the air and at sea. In another way, the United States simply does not fight. Russian air defenses and aviation very closely control the Baltic region and the space near strategic objects. All foreign combat aircraft and ships will certainly be taken to escort. Naturally, the alliance does not like this state of affairs, ”stated Kozyulin.

According to the expert, any military strengthening of Russia in the alliance and across the ocean is perceived as preparation for the implementation of “aggressive plans”. At the same time, such assumptions are not supported by concrete evidence, and the Western media do not disdain to spread alarmist sentiments under the pretext of a crisis in Ukraine or the “annexation” of Crimea, the expert believes.

“Ukraine is a reason to increase military-political pressure on Russia. The flights of American strategic bombers are hardly connected with the anniversary of the events in Crimea. However, they are undoubtedly a demonstration of strength and a demonstrative action for the allies. There is an element of provocation in this. The Russian air defense forces, as it were, are testing for durability, but our specialists have a good opportunity to check the effectiveness of the equipment on board and to work out various tactics, ”concluded Kozyulin.