Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Moravetsky stated that his country is not likely to join the UN-proposed global migration pact, which is scheduled to be signed in December in Morocco.

“It is very likely that we will not participate in this pact,” said Moravetsky on November 2 during a joint press conference in Warsaw with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

A day earlier, a similar decision was reported by the Czech colleague Moravetsky Andrei Babis.

“I don't like the pact,” he said during a debate in parliament. “I would suggest that my government partners do the same as Austria and Hungary.”

These countries had previously refused to participate in an international agreement, one of the theses of which states that mass migration is “inevitable, necessary and desirable”.

"Incompatible with sovereignty"

The development of the UN-initiated World Pact for Safe, Orderly and Regulated Migration began in 2016, after the UN General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants. Among the provisions that should be included in the document are the fight against discrimination of migrants, giving them access to basic social services, refusing to place migrants in special camps (this possibility is allowed only as a last resort).

In December last year, the United States of America refused to participate in this agreement.

“Immigration policy decisions should always be made by Americans and only by Americans,” said Nikki Haley, the US representative at the UN. - We will determine how best to control our borders and who will open the entrance to our country. The global approach of the New York Declaration is simply incompatible with US sovereignty. ”

  • United States Representative to the UN Nikki Haley
  • Reuters

Similar arguments were brought by another English-speaking country, Australia, which also abstained from signing the document on migration in its current form.

“We are not going to give up our sovereignty. I will not allow non-elected organizations to dictate their rules to Australians, ”said Australian Interior Minister Peter Dutton in July.

That same month, Hungary announced its refusal to participate in the agreement. According to the Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siyarto, the reason is the difference in the approaches of the UN and Budapest.

“Although, according to the UN, migration is a continuous and positive process that should be promoted, in Hungary it is considered a negative process and a danger both for our country and for the whole of Europe,” said Siyarto.

On October 31, the Austrian authorities refused to sign the document. At the same time, Croatian media reported that a similar decision was made by the president of this country, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic.

"Contrary to the interests"

As Tatyana Ilarionova, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management of the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IGSU) of the RANEPA, noted in an interview with RT, the solution to the problems of migration for the international community is far from new.

  • Monument Nansen passport in Oslo
  • © Wikimedia / Ivan Vasilev

For the first time, problems related to the problems of refugees, who, however, were persecuted for political reasons, arose even after the First World War. At the same time, such a document appeared as a Nansen passport - a certificate of the League of Nations issued to stateless refugees. It was named after the Norwegian polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen, the League of Nations Commissioner for Refugees.

“The world community has made and is making efforts to regulate the sphere of migration,” the expert noted in an interview with RT. “Another thing is that today they are at odds with sometimes imaginary and sometimes with the real national interests of countries.”

At the same time, Tatyana Ilarionova emphasizes that the provisions of the global pact will be more recommendatory in nature.

“Still, international documents of this level are framework documents, where general principles are spelled out. For example, there is no dictatorship on the numbers of migrants who need to be accepted, but simply outlined the general will of modern civilization with regard to migration, ”the expert notes.

In turn, Darya Platonova, an analyst at the Center for Geopolitical Expertise, believes that this “common will” is interpreted by countries that do not want to participate in the agreement as a globalist message.

“The Pact is a recommendation, but such recommendations shift the Overton window on the world political agenda, showing the strength of globalists who view migration as a reserve army of capital,” noted Platonova.

According to her, the attitude to the document, its unconditional acceptance, the requirement of amendments or the way out at all demonstrates the attitude of certain countries not only to the migration problem, but to the whole sphere of international regulation in principle.

“We are dealing with a clash of two paradigms in international relations: realistic, where sovereignty is above all, and liberal, where transfer of part of sovereignty to supranational, global institutions is possible,” the expert notes.

Split in the EU

The European Commission negatively perceived the refusal of a number of its members to sign the UN Global Pact on Migration. The last such statement was made to Austria.

“We regret the decision taken by the Austrian government,” said a statement by the executive body of the European Union. “We continue to believe that migration is a global challenge, and only global solutions and global responsibility can produce results.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron also spoke in favor of concluding the pact.

“The split in the EU on migration policy has long become a reality,” notes Platonova.

The political analyst stressed that the same countries that had withdrawn from the global migration pact had previously opposed attempts to impose on them external regulation of migration flows within the EU.

  • Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel
  • Reuters

“On this issue, a solidary front was formed in Europe, opposing the globalist obsession with Macron and Merkel, the expert notes. “Italy also belongs to this front, so it cannot be excluded that in the near future it will also speak negatively about the pact.”

At the same time, according to the expert, it cannot be said that Eastern European countries that are configured to limit migration take their cue from the United States and Donald Trump, or follow the American fairway. Quite the contrary, because Poland and Hungary, for example, spoke out against plans for resettlement from the Middle East in 2015, before Trump came to power.

"Preserving Sovereignty"

Russia has its own concerns regarding the UN Pact on Migration.

“We would like it not to have legally binding force, because most of the provisions that are fixed there will concern the liberalization of the regime (migration): avoiding punishment when crossing the border by illegal immigrants, their non-detention, failure to place an arrest migrants in society, ”said Alexander Pankin, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, in April of this year.

According to the diplomat, “such laws will not contribute to either enhancing our national security or ensuring the normal character of relations with migrants in Russia”.

According to Darya Platonova, the concerns of the Russian Foreign Ministry are well founded.

“Russia as a power, adhering to the principle of realism in foreign policy, is naturally also concerned about the preservation of sovereignty in the matter of regulating such an important issue as external migration,” the analyst believes.

In addition, as Tatiana Ilarionova noted, on October 31, President Vladimir Putin already signed a new Concept of Russia's migration policy until 2025, in which the main focus is on attracting compatriots from abroad to the country. Even if Russia signs the UN Global Pact on Migration, it is this Concept that will determine Moscow’s actions in regulating migration flows.

“We also have our own ideas of what a migration policy should be,” Ilarionova said.