In Russia, the updated procedure for clinical examination and preventive medical examinations has entered into force.

The old periodicity of medical examination - once every three years - will be maintained only for Russians under the age of 39 years. Those who are over 40 will be able to undergo the procedure annually.

Another innovation will be screenings for people over 40 years old, which are aimed at early detection of cancer.

According to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", those who are younger, the therapist will inspect for the presence of a visual or other localization of cancer. For example, skin mucous membranes of the lips and oral cavity will be examined, palpation of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes will be performed.

In addition, people will take a complete blood count, including watching hemoglobin, white blood cells, ESR, measuring intraocular pressure and other medical manipulations.

It is noted that the clinical examination will remain voluntary and free. This circumstance was noted by Valery Ryazansky, Chairman of the Council of the Federation Committee on Social Policy.

In a conversation with RT, he recalled that previously disciplinary methods were used to influence those who refuse to undergo medical examination.

“There were different judgments on how to treat more disciplinary methods of influencing the not very happy members of our society, punishing them with excommunication for some time from the MLA. But all these conversations have come to nothing, and the basic principles remain free of charge and voluntariness, ”said the parliamentarian.

According to him, the opportunity to undergo medical examinations annually for citizens older than 40 years will allow them to pay close attention.

“We tried to carry out clinical examinations in such a way as to pay special attention to the working population. Employers should be involved here, and special attention should be addressed to people of the older generation who fall into the category of pre-pensioners, ”said Ryazansky.

As the representative of the Federation Council said, by 2024, it is planned to achieve clear progress in the discipline of passing the clinical examination and, as a result, the effectiveness of detection in the early stages of diseases, which then have to be included in the high-tech medical care regime.

Therapist Lyudmila Lapa notes that a clinical examination includes a list of procedures that can detect diseases in the early stages, and will help in cases where people chose not to contact a specialist specialist because of indisposition.

  • © Pavel Lvov / RIA News

“My head hurts - I drank aspirin or tsitramon, and the problem can be serious and require you to contact a specialist, and not just a general practitioner. To pay attention to the heart, and vascular problems, tumor processes. I think that these decrees will give broader rights to our doctors, and a certain amount of work is extended, and people, even those who work, will be able to come later, to be examined, ”the doctor told RT.

According to her, "the rhythm of life is the biggest stressful situation and harm to health."

Weekend to the medical examination

Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Labor to prepare amendments to the Labor Code on the right of an employee 40 years and older on a day off for medical examination.

“The Ministry of Labor and Labor of Russia to prepare ... proposals for amending the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, providing for the right of an employee aged 40 years or older when undergoing medical examination for release from work for one working day,” the text of the relevant document says. The deadline for execution of the order is June 20 of the current year.

It is noted that the output should be provided to the employee once a year, keeping his place of work and average earnings.

Measures to increase life expectancy

At the end of 2018, the Minister of Health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova spoke about key government measures that should increase life expectancy. According to her, the main directions of this work are concentrated in the national projects “Healthcare” and “Demography”.

The National Healthcare Project provides for comprehensive measures to reduce mortality, including from cardiovascular diseases and oncology, and to improve the quality and availability of care.

“These measures will allow to reduce mortality from circulatory system diseases by 23.4% by 2024, and from neoplasms by 8.4%,” the minister noted.

She mentioned that measures on so-called public health are of particular importance. These are targeted steps to reduce the burden of major non-communicable disease factors. Another measure will be the enhancement of individual prevention.

“In 2017, 48.5 million children and adults underwent preventive examinations and clinical examinations, which is one and a half times more than in 2013. By 2021, it is planned to reach more than 80 million people, and in 2024 - at least 70% of the population, which is more than 100 million people, ”Skvortsova said.