Ukraine continues to review all agreements within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, but does not participate in the work of the organization. About this Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin told reporters on Friday.

“We do not participate in any CIS activities. The only thing we are doing is completing the revision of all agreements in such a way as to “kill” all agreements that we do not need, and to leave those agreements that are important for Ukrainians, ”Klimkin quoted Interfax-Ukraine as saying.

According to the minister, the measures of the Ukrainian authorities will concern, among other things, the pension sphere, as well as the issue of recognition of diplomas.

It is noted that his invitation to the meeting of the CIS foreign ministers, held on April 5 in Moscow, Klimkin called "an unsuccessful joke."

The events in the framework of the CIS, the head of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine dubbed "the SENG parties", in which he did not participate and is not going to do this, reports the Ukrainian news agency UNN.

Earlier it became known about the refusal of the Ukrainian side to take part in a meeting of the Council of CIS Foreign Ministers.

"Ukraine will not participate in the event, because ... our state has ceased its participation in the statutory bodies of the Commonwealth," said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Prior to that, Russia sent the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin an invitation to participate in the meeting.

“It hurts itself”

In the event of a breakdown of all agreements within the framework of the CIS, the Ukrainian people will be the first to suffer, while Kiev’s attempt to preserve favorable conditions does not lead to anything, experts say.

“Such statements by Klimkin indicate that the Ukrainian authorities would certainly like to close their enterprises, to deprive the Ukrainians living in the CIS, the opportunities that they have now. All agreements within the framework of the community are mutually beneficial, therefore, “killing” them, Ukraine causes damage primarily to itself, ”Leonid Kalashnikov, head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, said in an interview with RT.

The CIS countries must put before Ukraine a fundamental question - either it remains in the organization, and all agreements remain in force, or Kiev completely withdraws from the community, as its charter does not imply a partial withdrawal of one of the participating countries, told the RT interview deputy director Institute of CIS countries Vladimir Zharikhin.

“Recognizing some agreements, and some not, is the same as extracting raisins from a roll. The fact that Ukraine is trying to leave the CIS only those parts that it does not like is unacceptable. If Kiev leaves the organization, it will be obliged to renegotiate the agreements bilaterally, ”the expert emphasized.

In particular, this also applies to the visa-free travel agreement for citizens of CIS countries, Zharikhin said.

“It’s not a fact that in the current conditions all states will agree on a visa-free regime with Ukraine. Kiev wants to cut everything connected with Russia, even if it creates problems for the Ukrainian side and its citizens, ”the expert said.

According to the director of the Ukrainian Institute for Policy Analysis and Management Ruslan Bortnik, Ukraine, as a result of leaving the CIS, will lose a lot

“Kiev will lose a platform for dialogue with Russia and other post-Soviet countries. The exit from the community will undermine the economic and political relations between the Ukrainian side and the CIS countries. In the event of a breach of pension agreements and the recognition of diplomas in Ukraine, people and the economy will suffer, ”Bortnik said in a conversation with RT.


According to analysts, the possible withdrawal of the Ukrainian side from the CIS, as well as its current actions to revise agreements within the framework of the community, will not have any impact on the work of an international organization.

Recall, the issue of Ukraine’s exit from the CIS, Ukrainian politicians began lobbying last year. So, in May 2018, President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree implying that Kiev finally ceases to participate in the community.

Poroshenko said that the country "has nothing to do" in this organization and Ukraine will stop participating in its coordination.

“Today I signed the relevant Decree on the recall of all representatives from all statutory bodies of the CIS,” the report says, circulated by the press service of the Ukrainian leader.

  • President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

On January 23, 2019, the Ukrainian government decided to terminate agreements in the framework of the CIS on interstate exchange of economic information, information in the framework of foreign economic activity and cooperation in this area. This was reported in the Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine.

A week after this decision was made, it became known that Ukraine would also withdraw from the agreement on the general conditions of supply of goods between the CIS organizations. In Kiev, they said that it had lost its relevance and "provides for the assignment of specific suppliers to specific buyers, which is contrary to the principles of a market economy."

In February, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ekaterina Zelenko, stated that there were 236 treaties within the framework of the CIS that could be terminated.

“We are currently taking inventory of contracts within the framework of the CIS, these are 236 (agreements. - RT ), which require appropriate verification in order to be denounced,” said the spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to Zelenko, documents that do not affect the interests of citizens of Ukraine and business will be canceled. It is also noted that the audit will assess the economic, legal and humanitarian consequences of breaking these agreements.

Later, the Ukrainian government unilaterally suspended the agreement on the creation of a consultative economic working commission under the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS, which was signed 27 years ago.

According to Vladimir Zharikhin, Ukraine’s withdrawal from the Commonwealth of Independent States, and even more so the recent actions of the Ukrainian side in this direction, will not affect the work of the CIS in any way.

“The organization will exist without Ukraine, after its release, nothing will change. The Ukrainian side is already now - an inferior member of the commonwealth, since Kiev refuses to participate in its events and has not ratified the CIS charter, ”concluded Zharikhin.

Calculation on the radicals

According to experts, Klimkin’s statement about withdrawal from a number of agreements within the CIS, which are disadvantageous to Kiev, is also due to the situation with the presidential elections and preparations for the second round, which is now in full swing in Ukraine.

  • Reuters
  • © Kacper Pempel

According to Ruslan Bortnik, the statement of the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry is largely "designed for a radical Ukrainian electorate."

“This is an element of the election campaign, which is based on anti-Russian rhetoric. With such assertions, Klimkin is trying to downplay the role of the organization so that withdrawal from the CIS in the eyes of the Ukrainian population looks even more justified, ”Bortnik said.

However, according to Kalashnikov, the attempts of the Ukrainian authorities to take regular measures to revise agreements within the CIS framework are unsuccessful, since Kiev will not have time to complete its plans before the second round of elections.

“For the two remaining weeks before the end of the presidential election, the Ukrainian authorities will not be able to take any important decisions regarding agreements within the framework of the community,” the expert concluded.