The publication of the Daily Telegraph about the alleged establishment by the British authorities of all the details of the case of the poisoning of the ex-GRU officer Sergei and Yulia Skripale in Salisbury is an informational stuffing. This was stated in the Russian embassy in the UK.

“We are dealing with another informational stuffing, which is not of an official nature and cannot be verified. No new facts about the circumstances of the Salisbury incident, let alone evidence, are given. Thus, the picture of the incident remains as confusing as before, ”the Russian diplomatic mission noted.

Recall, The Telegraph newspaper, citing unnamed sources, reported that Sergey and Julia Skripali allegedly live in the south of England. The interlocutors of the newspaper claim that Julia Skripal keep in touch with relatives and got a job.

Also, the publication's interlocutors believe that Skripali could change their appearance.

“He could probably walk down the street wearing a hat or maybe change his hair color without the risk of being recognized. It is possible that he did not give an interview just because he did not want to give himself away, ”one of the sources told the newspaper.

The material also describes other details allegedly told to the newspaper sources. Thus, it is claimed that the new houses for Skripale will be equipped with an alarm system and an emergency button.

Journalists also write that Yulia had a desire to return to Russia, but allegedly changed her mind after the police handed over information about the suspects.

It should be noted that during the time since Skripale poisoning in March 2018, not a single proof of Russia's involvement in the incident was officially presented. At the same time, employees of the Russian diplomatic agencies are not allowed to the Fiddler.

“It is still unknown whether the camera was at the house of Sergey Skripal, and if so, what happened to her records. Perhaps the British authorities do not believe that all this “needs to be known”, since they decided everything for themselves in the very first days after the incident. However, sensible people in Britain, Russia and around the world would like to find out these and other details, ”the embassy said.

At the same time, all the newspapers referred to, details of how Skripali is now living, are presented as facts, but these are only assumptions that are not confirmed by anything, diplomats indicated.

“These are conjectures that do not deserve a serious comment. The facts are as follows: for all these months, the elderly mother of Sergey Skrypal never talked to him or Yulia, and official London, in violation of its international legal obligations, rejects Russian demands for consular visits to Russian citizens, hides their whereabouts, denies legal assistance to Russian investigators, ”they stressed in the diplomatic mission.

Thus, Russian diplomats say that Skripali in the UK remains “in the position of forcibly held persons”, and replicating the “leaks” and considerations of “experts” only complicates the investigation.

"UK uses the Scripal case"

The Telegraph could have released material with unverified information intentionally, at the suggestion of the British government, said Igor Shatrov, deputy director of the National Institute for the Development of Modern Ideology.

“This accusation was the beginning of a new stage of the anti-Russian campaign ... Therefore, the media close to the UK government was given a command to somehow support this topic. Anyone can suck this story out of their fingers. That they exist, they live somewhere, they work, they have changed their appearance, ”he said in a conversation with RT.

The fact that London can specifically give the media unverified information for the formation of an anti-Russian agenda was also mentioned earlier by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

“Without providing us with any official information about the incident, continuing injections in the media and unfounded accusations, the UK government uses the so-called “The case of Skripale” to continue the confrontational line on increasing pressure on our country, creating a negative background and countering Russia in the international arena, ”said Zakharova.

The publication of the article is caused by the need to explain where Skripali is and in what condition they are, according to Yury Pochta, a professor at the Department of Comparative Political Science at RUDN.

“Therefore, such information is thrown, which no one can confirm. It is also impossible to reject, as if someone said - journalists just stated their point of view. This is another confirmation that the official version of London does not stand up to criticism about the whole story with the Violinists, ”he said in an interview with RT.