Yousef Ajlan - Al Jazeera Net

"In this way, Yemeni citizen Mohammed Baqer, who belongs to the town of Hays in the province of Hodeidah in western Yemen, concluded his speech to Al-Jazeera Net about the suffering of the population in the areas controlled by the Saudi-UAE-led coalition forces and their failure to secure them. Houthi shells.

On July 23, a shell fired by Houthi militias landed on the house of Baqar in the district of Hayes, injuring his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter. Two days later, another shell fell on the same house, killing two of his cousins ​​and injuring seven others. , And his house is heavily destroyed.

"Unfortunately, we discovered that we were worse than before. I had a house and a family. Now I am homeless, and my family killed two of its members," Baqer told Al

"Now I have three more families after the martyrdom of my cousins, and the reason is the two sides."

For more than half a year, coalition forces have launched a battle to liberate al-Hodeidah, but they have been able to control only part of the southern part of the city and have not been able to secure it. Houthi shells fall on a daily basis and civilians are killed.

Lock failed
According to human rights statistics, obtained by Al Jazeera Net, the directorates of Hodeidah, which was controlled south of the city, witnessed the death of more than 200 civilians and injuring hundreds, the latest of which killed a woman and injured 13 others, including eight children on the fifth of this month in the Directorate of Jucca.

Destruction caused by the fall of a shell of the Houthis in the nectar (the island)

According to activist Ghaleb Al-Qadimi of Al-Jazeera Net, civilian deaths are continuing in the liberated areas due to what he called "incomplete liberation" by the Saudi-UAE alliance.

"With the civilian casualties, there are about 500 houses destroyed by the Houthi bombing that has been going on so far, and the destruction of three thousand palm trees for a whole year, at a time when the coalition is unable to protect those liberated areas."

According to political researcher Mustafa Jabzi, the military operation in Hodeidah was aimed at the deployment of military forces by assigning the coalition, especially the UAE forces, as an arrow extending on the coastal strip in the framework of a lightning operation to achieve Hodeidah and achieve its goal and thus can secure areas left behind by military progress.

He explained that the retreat from the plan and its failure made it very expensive for soldiers and civilians, especially with the daily fall of the dead civilians.

The shells do not stop
Many Yemenis believe that the cessation of fighting with part of the limited skirmishes, and the continued control of the Houthis by the Houthis and the city gives the Huthi militias a new life cycle, and gives them the power to bomb liberated areas and try to restore them.

Houthi missile hit on camp for displaced people

Human rights activist Ghaleb al-Qadmi points out that the Hays district of Hodeidah is the worst hit by the Huthi bombing. "I and many of the residents of this city expect at any moment that a missile will fall on our heads," said human rights activist Ghaleb al-Qadmi.

He explained to Al Jazeera Net that residents feel resentment of the arrival of the coalition to their city, and the inability to secure, pointing out that they can not go after 6 pm because of the deterioration of the situation and hear the sounds of clashes and the fall of missiles daily.

"He is dreaming of returning with his family to areas under coalition control, but the unstable security situation," he said, "makes it difficult because of the lack of good security models in most areas" .

"In Hays, civilians die almost every day. Houthi forces are still on the outskirts of the city and bombard them every day. The coalition can move forces to liberate and secure the city, but it has not done so for six months.