DAMASCUS (Reuters) - The Syrian Democratic Forces (Qods) said it was still combing the area it had snatched from the Da'ash organization in its last stronghold in eastern Syria yesterday and denied a report on the recent defeat of the militants, while the US president praised the end of the organization and progress, Turkey in Afrin, northwest of Syria, has launched a campaign of violent arrests against the Kurds, to prevent them from celebrating Nowruz, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

In details, a media official of the Syrian Democratic Forces, quoting the leaders of the attack, said yesterday that "the search is continuing in the Baguoz camp."

This came after the Syrian news agency «Hawar» Kurdish that the Syrian Democratic forces took full control of the enclave, and that the organization was defeated. "There is no truth to liberate the town completely."

The report was later deleted from the Hawar website, which is close to the Kurdish-led administration, which controls most of the Syrian north.

"The combing operations are still going on in the al-Bagouz camp in the south-eastern countryside of Deir al-Zour," a field commander said in a brief statement to reporters. "There is no truth to liberate the town completely."

A group from Agence France Presse on the ground last night saw trucks carrying people from the Bagouz, while thousands of civilians and fighters have been evacuated in recent weeks from the last pocket of the organization.

As a result of the military's progress, these forces have counted the exit of more than 67,000 people from the organization's pocket since the beginning of the year, including 37,000 civilians, 5,000 extremists and about 24,000 family members. It also reported the arrest of "520 terrorists in special operations".

The US military warns that the Da'ash organization may still include tens of thousands of fighters deployed across Iraq and Syria, with enough leaders and resources, to become a threat.

The Office of the Inspector-General of the Pentagon, an internal oversight body, issued a report last month saying that "Da'ash" is still an active insurgent group that is strengthening its capabilities in Iraq more quickly than in Syria.

He warned that the organization may be able to reappear in Syria within six months to 12 months, and regain limited areas of land.

Washington believes the organization's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is in Iraq.

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday praised the progress made in the war against Da'ash since he came to power.

"All that is red is the areas of the organization's deployment on the eve of the elections in 2016," Trump told reporters at the White House.

"At the bottom, it's the map itself and there's no red. In fact, there is a small point, and may disappear tonight.

Trump has repeatedly said in the past few weeks that the announcement of the end of the organization will take place from moment to moment.

US partners in the anti-Da'ash coalition are discussing with Washington the possibility of maintaining a counter-terrorism mission in northern Syria.

In a later speech in Ohio, Trump pulled out a map of Syria again, noting that US forces killed a number of "terrorists", including those responsible for an attack in Syria, resulting in four American victims, the Paris attack in 2015, The American destroyer USS Cole in 2000. "We killed them all," the US president said.

France's Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Lo Derrin said yesterday that his country, one of the main countries contributing to the war against the Da'd organization in the Middle East, has not received any response to its questions about the demands of the United States from Paris and others to help Securing Northeast Syria.

French Defense Minister Florence Barley visited Washington on Monday to obtain details from US officials on the idea of ​​establishing and monitoring a safe area to be negotiated in northeastern Syria.

"Secretary of Defense Barley went to the United States for talks with the Americans, and to get answers to various questions such as: Will a US military presence be maintained? What are the limits and limits of its existence? What will be the task? What are the possibilities and abilities? "

"We have not received answers yet. On the basis of this information that we have not yet obtained, President Emmanuel Macaron will determine the possibility of a French contribution. "

"The fall of the Baguz is imminent," he said, but the militants are now hiding and fleeing to other countries, including Afghanistan.

"We can not imagine giving up those who were our best allies in fighting (on the ground)," the French minister said, referring to "the devil."

On the other hand, armed factions loyal to Turkey in Afrin launched a campaign of arrests against the Kurds, to prevent them from celebrating Nowruz, where this happy occasion turned into a nightmare in areas under the control of the pro-Ankara gunmen, and the celebration is a charge entitled "Celebrate Nowruz and set fire to commemorate the anniversary Annual ».

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the armed factions had issued a circular stating that "there will be no public holiday on 20 March, or any other days, there is no official holiday at Nooruz."

In conjunction with this circular, which came on the eve of the Nowruz holiday celebrated by the Kurds on March 21 each year, the factions launched a campaign of arrests and repression, in addition to targeting Kurdish symbols.

The Observatory revealed that the arrests affected a number of young men and men in the area of ​​Kafr Safra and other areas of the countryside Afrin, and armed factions also destroyed the statue of the Kurdish symbol Kawa mourning.

Activists put the statue "in one of the squares of the city of Afrin, where coincides with the approach of the Nawruz," according to the Observatory, which revealed details of the number of people arrested.

"The arrests and kidnappings amounted to about 2,650, including about 1,070 who are still in detention, while the rest were released after most of them paid a ransom imposed by the militants," he said.

The ransom is sometimes worth more than 10 million Syrian pounds, according to the observatory, which said that "more than once the factions deliberately send audio clips or videotapes to the families of the abductees, and impose money without bargaining, threatening to liquidate their parents if not The payment is made. "

"The groups that launched Turkey's hand in the region, after an international silence launched by Turkey in Afrin, deliberately carried out the arrests of the sexes, men and women, after these groups turned kidnapping and arrest on various charges."

One of the most prominent of these charges is "belonging to the Kurdish forces and communicating with them and working for their own benefit." The kidnapping of the ransom has become a popular trade, adopted by most of the factions in an attempt to collect the largest possible amount of money and restrict the remaining population in the region.

Monitoring the observatory «deliberately transferred the abductees to the detention centers and detention centers made up of civilian homes were seized, and converted to the headquarters of the pro-Turkey factions, which share influence and property in Afrin, and from time to time to carry out looting and the confiscation of funds and property».