Emirates Al-Youm has launched the first joy of joy initiative in the Year of Tolerance, bringing happiness to the hearts of 20 children of great interest and orphans in cooperation with the Center for Human Emotion in Dubai.

The initiative launched its activities for "Year of Tolerance" by organizing recreational activities for orphaned children and owners, distributing gifts to them and offering free meals.

The initiative, which is being implemented for the fourth year in a row, has been a great success since its launch, providing recreational activities for orphaned children and bringing joy to their hearts, especially with the distribution of gifts and holidays at various events.

Mona Al-Sumaiti, the brand's marketing and marketing manager, said that the initiative succeeded in bringing joy and happiness to the hearts of 20 children of orphans and those who are inspired by a series of recreational activities during its first year of tolerance.

She pointed out that the initiative will witness a number of events during the "Year of Tolerance", aimed at delighting 100 orphaned and influential children, in cooperation and coordination with strategic partners and sponsors.

Nadia Khalil Al Sayegh, founder and director of the Center for Human Emotions in Dubai, said that the initiative of "Emirates Al-Youm" (joy to our joy) has succeeded in delighting the orphaned and motivated children from within the country and those from Saudi Arabia, several.

Al Sayegh called for the development of the initiative to include different age groups for orphans, to reach young people and adolescents, who also need such activities to alleviate them, and to support them psychologically and socially, pointing out that its center includes about 103 orphans and their owners, all of them in need of entertainment and educational programs.

The ceremony was held under the auspices of the Dorof Astoria Hotel and Emaar Entertainment. Waldorf Astoria Director of Operations, Cora Kapels, said that for three consecutive years the hotel has carried out the Teddy Bear initiative during the New Year, where guests of the hotel will purchase two dolls, One goes to a needy child, and the material proceeds are donated to a local charity for children.

"This year, we were delighted to support the Center for Human Emotion in Dubai, the only center in the UAE that hosts orphaned children and children. They spent a joyful day doing activities such as arts, crafts and cake-making. In all these initiatives, and provided support to this category of community members ».