Dubai police uncovered an INTERPOL internal body to coordinate with the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to pursue wanted persons and suspects, and to seize stolen vehicles and artifacts.

Assistant General Commander of the Dubai Police, Maj. Gen. Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansoori, told Emirates Emirates today, on the sidelines of the 87th General Meeting of Interpol, held for the first time in Dubai, that Dubai Police Interpol is equipped with a range of advanced technologies, And persons posing a potential threat to national security.

He added that INTERPOL Dubai has a team of the highest level of readiness and training. It monitors the international bulletins issued by Interpol around the clock and moves to pursue wanted persons, art objects, cars and stolen passports, pointing out that there is a great responsibility for this device in the work With more than 200 nationalities.

The Dubai Police revealed during an accompanying exhibition of the General Assembly of INTERPOL the «Tactical Diver», a sophisticated diving suit used in raids of dangerous targets, developed by the teams «Swat» Dubai Police specialized to become the first security device in the world uses this suit .

The owner of the patent, Lieutenant Ahmad Mohammed Hamdan bin Dalmouk, said that the special teams of the raid used diving as a means of secret transmission of the targets so dangerous that they are not monitored or seen by the opponent.

He added that all diving teams specialized in the world used diving suits and equipment weighing about 30 kg, but the diving suit developed by Dubai police weighing 10 kilograms, which increases the speed of the diver and its ability to resist water and density.

He pointed out that one of the most important characteristics of diving suits developed reduce the effort exerted by the element of raiding in moving to the goal as it moves easily and does not carry a heavy weight, making it more efficient in the face of the enemy and the ability to withstand the engagement strongly.

He added that one of the most important advantages is easy to take off the suit by removing one belt, unlike the ordinary suit, in which the diver needs to dismantle four keys, while the tactical diver gets rid of everything, including diving pipes and suit in seconds, stressing that this is useful. armed.

He explained that the tactical raid team includes 30 submarines with advanced specialized courses in the field of diving and engagement, pointing out that Dubai police have the intellectual property right to the diver tactical.

Dubai police have also offered a sophisticated submarine that will sink to a depth of 300 meters and be used for rescue operations and search for missing objects at the bottom.

According to Dubai police, it has been used in the process of searching for the black box of a review aircraft that has fallen for a while and has proved very efficient in achieving the desired goals.

Experience Artificial Intelligence

The Director General of the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Dubai Police, Brigadier Khalid Nasser Al-Razzouqi, presented the Dubai Police experience in artificial intelligence and its strategic plan in this area 2018-2021.

Al-Razouqi said that the strategic plan for artificial intelligence aims to transform all intelligent systems into systems that predict the needs of customers according to artificial intelligence techniques in all areas of police, security forecasting of crime and traffic accidents.

He stressed that the plan includes the development of future service centers for customers with Dubai Police, to operate artificial intelligence systems as well as smart police stations in different regions.

Cross-border crimes

The activities of the 87th Session of the INTERPOL General Assembly continued its agenda for the second consecutive day, in the presence of Interpol Senior Vice President Kim Jong-yang and Secretary General Jürgen Stok. Some 1,300 participants, including 40 ministers and 85 police chiefs from around the world, discussed cross-border crimes and terrorist crimes, threats of crime affecting countries and preparations for future challenges. Participants also discussed "cybercrime", developments in global police capacity and the extent to which these capabilities are adapted to field-level work.

Members of the Interpol General Assembly discussed the phenomenon of terrorism on the Internet and communication between the various police agencies around the world and linking them, as well as a range of projects, decisions and reports prepared by its members.