The director of the Human Resources Department in Fujairah, Mohammed Al Zuwaidi, has confirmed the recruitment of 25 of the owners of the emirate in the past year, in jobs commensurate with their health conditions and the degrees they hold, revealing the resignation of eight of them after a short period, for various reasons. Because most of the transport does not have special means for the rise and fall of those with motor disabilities, such as dynamic elevators and side arms to get off the bus or vehicle, as well as considerations regarding the size of the seats and the level of height ».

Al-Zuwaidi added that the provision of these means of transportation is costly, pointing out the difficulty of providing them.

He added that the Department had recruited 25 people of concern, the year before last, bringing the total appointments in the past two years to 50 people, mostly female. Al-Zuwaidi pointed out that the department follows an annual strategy of employing the owners of the goal, which aims to employ 20 of them annually, stressing that work in the institutions and bodies of the Emirate helps them achieve independence in their lives and facilitates their integration into society. Oppose them, and achieve a better standard of living. He pointed out that the rehabilitation and training of stakeholders aims to show their energies and help them to be productive in the community, which contributes with other groups of society to promote development, in order to achieve a successful and successful employment, pointing out that most of those recruited, over the past two years, Their ability to perform their job perfectly, in addition to their creativity, and to provide them with more than what was required of them.