An official report issued by Emirates Transport Corporation revealed that the Foundation has adopted a new strategy from the current year until 2022, which includes plans for transformation and career development of national cadres, in order to support the Emiratisation process in the institution and to ensure attracting large numbers of citizens to work in it. The job evaluation project and the salary scale and financial allocations to increase salaries for technical jobs, in accordance with the competitiveness with private sector companies, in order to suit the aspirations of citizens.

The report, obtained by Al-Itamar Al-Youm, attributed the low rates of Emiratisation in technical and executive jobs, which represent the majority of the employees of the institution, to the fact that these jobs are not attractive to national elements.

In an official report, Emirates Transport said that the nature and work of the organization is mainly related to transport services, vehicle maintenance and transport and safety supervisors, which requires the provision of executive employment such as drivers, technicians, supervisors and traffic coordinators. Employees at the Foundation.

He stressed that these jobs are not attractive to national elements, explaining that «Emirates Transport» operates in a highly competitive market in the transport sector, with companies and private destinations are not subject to any ratios and indicators of resettlement.

The report pointed out that the total number of civil servants in the institution is currently 2373 employees and employees, pointing out that «Emirates Transport» pays great attention to the realization of the plan and the objectives of the government towards raising the proportion of Emiratisation, by filling the citizens of several positions and categories of the institution.

"The percentage of Emiratisation in the senior leadership positions at the institution is currently 90%, and in the central leadership positions (managers of the departments and business centers) 71%, which has been stable for several years. The rest of the jobs are mostly contracts with customers, Client, the terms and rates of salaries in the operating contracts are determined by the client contracted by the institution, and the institution can not exceed these conditions ».

He added: «In accordance with these requirements, the jobs that are available in this sector is not attractive to the national elements, because the scope of salary is not a catalyst to fill the citizens of these jobs».

The report pointed out that «Emirates Transport» adopted a new institutional strategy, including plans for the transformation and career development of national cadres. During 2017, the Foundation appointed a number of newly graduated citizens in specialized technical jobs (engineers) and subjected them to training programs to qualify them for leadership and supervisory positions in And in specialized fields.

The report pointed out that there is a remarkable improvement in the turnover of the employees of the institution, which amounted to 10.56% during 2016, compared to 7.25% in 2017 and 3.93% last year, indicating that from this year to 2022 will be implemented many Of the initiatives emanating from the transformation plans, which will support the process of Emiratisation in the institution and ensure the mobilization of large numbers of citizens.

"One of the most important of these initiatives is the implementation of the job evaluation project, the salary scale and the financial allocations, through a consulting firm that compares with the private sector, to determine competitive salaries that are commensurate with the expectations of the civil servants," he said.

"The initiatives also include participation in various employment fairs to attract national talent, intensify cooperation with various universities and colleges, prioritize the employment of qualified citizens, followed by citizens of the GCC countries, and finally introduce citizens to various training programs, And professional work ».


Emiratisation percentage in senior leadership positions in «Emirates Transport».


Number of UAE nationals in Emirates Transport Corporation.