Emirates Transport has issued a circular by the beginning of this month to stop school bus traffic completely at low visibility due to fog and other weather fluctuations in order to ensure the safety of students transported through school buses from and to public and private schools , And not endanger their lives and the lives of others.

The Executive Director of Emirates Transport School, Abdullah Al-Ghafli, said that the Foundation is keen to provide guidance to its drivers on weather disturbance and the consequent low visibility due to fog, rain, water pools or the spread of wind dust, Safety and safety standards for students during the school trip, and ensure the provision of school transport service smoothly and regularly, and in line with the direction of the institution and vision.

He stressed that the institution follows the highest standards of security and safety, and adopts a package of actions and initiatives that achieve the values ​​of the institution, which is the safety and responsibility and care for students transferred at different times and weather conditions.

Al-Ghafli pointed out that «Emirates Transport» provides school transport services to more than 246 thousand students around the country, through 6000 school buses, so it worked to provide the highest standards of safety and the application of the best technical specifications in buses, in order to protect the safety of students transferred.

Tarek Ahmed Al-Obaidli, Director of School Transport, said that the drivers were instructed to stop the buses completely and not to move, in the event of heavy fog or any fluctuations in the weather, in appropriate positions off the highway and safely to ensure that no collision Of other vehicles, while keeping the air conditioning and exterior lighting of the bus in the operating condition of the pause period, and not leave the driver driver's seat.

He added that the circular also includes that school transport drivers and supervisors alert students to the obligation to sit on the seats, not allowed to leave the bus to ensure safety in cases of fog, as well as to inform the direct official in the management of the school transportation station any delay of the arrival of the bus on time, Another emergency.

He pointed out that in coordination with the Ministry of Education, the ministry is working on generalizing all school administrations and informing the students about the procedures taken by «Emirates Transport» regarding the movement of buses and delay in reaching students or schools in the period of fog and weather fluctuations.