● Trump 's top concern:' Muller '

"Investigation period 675 days, investigation cost 30 million dollars (34.7 billion won), subpoenas 2,800 cases, small patient 500 people"

These numbers are cited in connection with the Mueller Special Report. It is no exaggeration to say that the special investigation that started as soon as Trump was inaugurated was a top priority for President Trump as well as American society. If Mr Mueller's prosecution report suggests that he is prosecuting the president, President Trump may have faced parliamentary impeachment. Because it was a long-term investigation of the White House past and present, American society watched and watched this moment of the report.

The US Justice Department posted the results on its homepage, but it was enormously large as expected. It was only 10% of the very sensitive content, and I released 448 pages of the whole investigation report, but it was too heavy to carry around when I printed it. The overall configuration is divided into one and two parts. The first part is the result of Russian domestic charges, and the second part is the result of investigating suspected sabotage. There are so many characters that I am confused when I look at the report, but kindly I made an appendix and made it clear who the characters are. I have a lot of money, but the contents of the investigation are so vivid that I thought I would sell it even if I made it into a book, but some publishers quickly published it as a book. Paper books, e-books, and audiobooks, and they are sweeping the best sellers as soon as I get out.
● At first I liked ... "Crazy Mueller Report"

From the conclusion of the report, Mr Mueller actually gave Mr. Trump an indulgence. President Trump has also declared that he received a "complete indulgence" from the Justice Department at the end of last month when he issued a four - page summary report. In the case of Russia's domestic charges, which had been stuck in the early days of his inauguration, he was expected to benefit from Russian illegal activities, but he concluded that he did not take any illicit acts. I have not been able to confidently say that I have to try criminal punishment because I have not tried it, although there have been attempts to interfere with the judicial interference. It is fortunate and good to be President Trump, but after the report was published, President Trump could not even like it.

Right now Trump is accusing him of being a "Crazy Mueller Report," and his attitude has changed. The report is very embarrassing and embarrassing. President Trump has been very careful to state that he continued to misrepresent his instructions to stop the investigation and that he had lied a lot more to conceal it. The Washington Post described this report as a vivid portrait of the White House reflecting mistrust, falsehood, and fear. Although there have been a few books on the White House confusion that have not been seen so far, it is the first time I have noticed such naked content through an investigation by a special investigator.

● Obscure conclusions ... Muller Report

I can not say that there is a lot of controversy because I made a legal conclusion about the charges against Russia. (Of course, there are many kinds of inappropriate scenes.) At least this part is not guilty. The problem is about the allegations of sabotage. Muller said in a report, "If President Trump did not interfere with the judiciary, we would have so, but we have not reached that conclusion in light of the facts and applicable laws." It becomes a sin, and it is the expression which seems to be not to be able to give a prosecution opinion. That's why President Trump said he was innocent, and the opposition camps are against each other saying that a special rapprochement is a sin.
● lie and persuasion ... Ten vivid jurisdictions

The Muller Special Report shows ten cases in which President Trump tried to sabotage the judiciary. When he heard that Muller was appointed to the post in 2017, President Trump said, "The presidency is over" and "ruined", insulting to start with f. The Investigation Report states that this is not a one-sided statement of a particular person. We have carefully attached the serial number of the memo evidence that can be used as evidence to the report. Mr. Trump's aggressive expression was not that he was over because the lion, such as Muller, came in. It is the purpose of complaining that if you accept a special prosecutor, you will not be able to do anything for a few years and eventually ruin the presidency.

Trump pressed President McGeneral to advise lawyer Rosenstein, the Attorney General, to publicly dismiss Mueller. Muller interviewed with an FBI director applicant prior to his appointment, worked at a law firm that had a relationship with Trump, and is pursuing lawsuits related to membership fees at Trump Golf Club. For this reason, I talked about appointment. But in fact, all these arguments were unfounded, and Trump and his staff knew it all. McGAN felt tortured, but decided to resign and refused. At the time, an article about the attempted dismissal of Muller prompted President Trump to deny it, but McAwan again denied it.
Another thing that strikes me is that Trump is angry that he has failed to appoint Muller. For this reason, before the session, the Justice Minister actually resigned. However, President Trump has refused to persuade the minister before the session, but he says he did not return him to his pocket for a while. The president, who holds the resignation, is holding the weakness of the Attorney General, so the chief of the office and the senior chief strategist have been worried about how to return it. It makes me think that the scenes expressed in the special report are vivid, and that Trump 's ruling style is like this.

When the special investigation began, President Trump tried to convince the Attorney General to attack the investigation. I asked former election manager Lewandosky to let the session secretary announce that this investigation is very unfair to the president. But Lewandowski, who did not want to do it, dragged it in, and after a month or so he realized what the President was doing and pushed Rick Dearborn, another White House chief, to do it. Dearborn, who thought it was a joke, eventually refused.

There is a scene of ex-pressurization of former FBI director Kommie. Michael Flynn, a former foreign affairs security advisor, was dismissed for lying to Russian ambassador. When the FBI investigated the matter, he called Commissioner Kofi and said, "Now that you have removed Flynn's assistant, give me a look." Of course, President Trump has denied that he has said that, but Coomi testified that he remembers it. Trump told him to write an email to McFarland, who was a national security assistant under Flynn, to deny that he had discussed the Russian sanctions issue, and McFarland denied that he did not know exactly. McFarland, the ambassador to Singapore, eventually stepped down.

● The paradox of "No" is ... Soulful officials are charged

Paradoxically, many of his staff, who did not follow the instructions, were able to avoid prosecution. If the staff moved the unjust instructions into action because of the president's request, there might have been an opinion that the special report needed to be prosecuted. To put it in our terms, we can say that the 'spiritual officials' who did not say it kept the President in the end. In the United States, too, we need a lot of courage in not running the President's instructions. Resignation is basic, and you may be prepared to go out and be disadvantaged. Foreign media expect President Trump will take revenge on former White House officials who cooperated in the investigation.

Some people have tried to blindly accept the President 's instructions. Sarah Sanders is a spokesman. Of course, the spokesperson was not in a position to influence the investigative agency, but it turned out that she lied to the president. Shortly after President Trump's dismissal of the former FBI director, Sanders spoke to "countless FBI agents" and "internal employees have lost confidence in Coombe." But later on, I went to the office of the prosecutor's office and said that this was in fact groundless, The White House spokesperson said that there is trust in the White House spokesman. If there was such a lie in Korea, it would have been a big blow.
● Democratic Party to Discuss Impeachment ... Mueller was not a Messiah.

The Democratic Party has had considerable expectations for the Mueller report. When Mueller, who had been FBI director for more than 10 years, became a special investigator, the Democratic Party had no control over facial expression. If a special prosecutor catches the crucial law violation of President Trump and gives me the prosecution, I can get a strong impetus for the impeachment promotion. The impeachment requires two-thirds of the House of Representatives and the Senate to be approved. Even if the Democratic Party is able to pass it through the House of Representatives, it will not be possible to impeach it without a Republican rebellion in the Senate. The impeachment can not be dreamed without Republican members who are angry at the president 's illegal activities. If Mr. Muller clearly confirmed the President's illegal activities, he would not have a quote like this. Muller was not the Messiah that the Democrats were looking forward to.

Of course, Democratic hardliners are pushing for impeachment, saying it is worse than President Nixon's Watergate case. But the seasoned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is very careful. Once the impeachment proposal is initiated and full-fledged discussions begin, the Trump supporters are likely to gather. In addition, because all the discussions are driven by impeachment, the Democratic presidential candidate in the 2020 presidential election can be a cold one. Bernie Sanders, a prominent Democrat candidate, is also opposed to the impeachment, saying, "Let's talk about what the public is interested in."

● Recycle Trump ... Political controversy continues

President Trump said he could not impeach him because he did not commit a crime on Twitter. It is not the Republican party that committed the crime, but Democrats, and the impeachment argument is a witch hunt. President Trump has not been able to dominate him for about 50 days a day. Most are accusations and attacks against the media that have attacked themselves. The hatred of the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, which did not recognize itself as the president from the beginning, is more than imagined. President Trump (except for Fox News) is not able to follow any mogul politicians in Korea who pour into the mainstream media.

Muller concluded with a political debate without clarifying the indictment against the allegations of sabotage. Although President Trump has been able to avoid the prosecution's prosecution, the political controversy over the Mueller report is unavoidable for some time to come.

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)