※ SBS News will visit viewers with "THE JOURNALIST" series. This is the reporter Jang Hoon - kyung of the SBS exploration team 'Panda to the End' who is digging the last secret of 5.18 that has not been revealed for 38 years. The narration of reporter Joe Hyun of SBS news headquarters is together.

■ "The final decision of 5.18 armed struggle" The truth revealed by the secret documents of the US State Department

Mr. Chun Doo-hwan, who was in September before the tear of 5.18 dried up, has always insisted that he was not responsible for martial law operations or fire orders because he was a security commander during the democratization campaign. There was no change in the memoir last year. On May 27, 1980, after a number of casualties, the final operation was announced two days before the operation was decided.

[Chun Doo Hwan / SBS Interview (February 2003): The military is driven by the command system. (Central) Information department manager does not move even if we instruct operation at any amount. An army is a movement by the chain of command. I am the commander of the Majesty Commander.]

The SBS Exploration Department, however, was able to identify the part of Mr. Secretary Chun Doo Hwan who was in charge of the final suppression operation in the Secret Service of the US Department of State at the time of writing in 5.18. US Secretary of State Kwon Doo-hwan, a US secretary at the time of his visit to Korea, China and Japan, said, This document was sent to the U.S. Department of State and the US Embassy in Korea. The Cherokee file was then shared with only a few people, such as Jimmy Carter, US Secretary of State, US Deputy Secretary of State and US Ambassador to Korea. It is a document that can be seen.

Our military records are so distorted and so much that there are so many things that have already disappeared that we are having a hard time figuring out the truth. However, this document is basically a very important value because it can not be manipulated in our country. In the document, there was no mention of 'the decision of the martial law commander' or 'the decision of the president of the martial law' at the time of the final suppression operation, and 'ARMY STRONGMAN GENARAL CHUN DOO HWAN' I decided to finalize the operation. "

■ "Did America Know Everything?" ... The existence of 'ARMY STRONGMAN' in the document

The presence of the US Secretary of State, which states that Am Strongman, or Chun Doo Hwan, has made a decision. 5.18 How do researchers look?

[Lee Jae-un / 5.18 Memorial Foundation Investigator: During the 5.18 period, the name "Chun Doo Hwan" does not appear in Korean documents. In the meantime, it seems that most of the names have been erased after passing through the 5th Republic. But in American documents, it is still here. I think that sense is very big.]

Basically, the United States has maintained its position that "We did not know that in detail" about what happens in remote Gwangju. The document states that the first victim of 5.18 knew that the hearing and language disorders were present. It is also controversial from the outset that the martial law forces are using bayonets and there are many casualties. The fact that the first victim was a deaf person at that time was only known to a few in Gwangju at that time, but how the United States was grasping it, and that America's intelligence was enormous. It was a reaction.

The Secret Service sent an urgent message to US Secretary of State Christopher Hill, who met with US Ambassador to the Republic of Korea at the time, Chung Kwang Soo, the chief of staff of the presidential office. It is also recorded that the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff notified the commander of the United States Forces in Korea that "the martial law force was introduced from 0:00 on the 27th. The determination of Chon Doo Hwan's decision on the final suppression and the process of execution are included in the document.

[Kim Hee-song / Professor at Chonnam National University 5.18 Institute: I think that the parts that Mr. Chun Do claim is confirmed as a falsehood to avoid his historical responsibility and judicial judgment.]

■ "It was Chun Doo Hwan who first mentioned" 5.18 North Korean Intrusion "... It was 20 years earlier than the original one.

The claim that the democratization movement was an intervention by the North Korean army appeared in 18 memoirs of Mr. Chun 's memoir. The court has made a decision last year to admit it as false and remove it from the memoir, but this false claim has not yet disappeared. 5.18 Where did the idea of ​​putting on the North Korean army come from?

In the early 2000s, Mr. Lee, who we know, advertised at the bottom of the newspaper saying, "600 North Koreans had infiltrated Gwangju. In fact, it was a riot and martial law was supposed to crush it. " In the meantime, Chun Doo - hwan, in his memoir, said, "According to a long - time analysis of a man named Dr. There is an intervention situation. ' In an interview with a press one year before the memoir was published, Chun Doo Hwan said, "Since the reporter asked him if he had ever been reported on the infiltration of North Korean troops, he answered," There is absolutely no. " I also showed the attitude rolls a line.

However, the secret documents of the US State Department contained the exact opposite of Mr. Chun 's claim. 5.18 The person who first spoke of the North Korean intervention in the official appearance was Mr. Chun Doo Hwan. According to the records, Chun Doo Hwan, who was chairman of National Emergency Management Committee on June 4, 1980, received a question about 5.18 at a meeting with entrepreneurs of the US Chamber of Commerce in Korea.

[Chun Doo Hwan / National Security Advisory Committee Chairman: At least 22 unidentified bodies were found, and they are all seen as North Korean agents. 5.18's responsibility is on Kim Dae-jung and I will prove it by prosecuting him]

[Lee Jae-il / 5.18 Memorial Foundation Investigator: It is surprising that the North Koreans actually talked about it at that time, just like they had come in. We did not know that Chun Doo-hwan had told such a story at the time.]

In the mid-1980s, the North Korean troops, known to have been deployed by the military government at the time, But the beginning was also pointing to one person.

■ "Even though the US government knew of the devastation of 5.18,

The last secret of 5.18, which was not solved because of the lack of authenticity despite the many suspicions, is revealed in this document. The martial law enforcement officer was in charge 13 hours 40 minutes ago May 26, 1980 at 10:20 am The Ambassador to Seoul at the time of Glistin said, "Stop the military operations in the South Korean government because you know the danger of the improper situation in Gwangju. "I have not reported it to the US Department of State." Previously, the United States knew exactly what the situation was like in Gwangju, and that the martial law forces were bombarding with bayonets causing many casualties.

On the 21st day during 5.18, the group suffered the greatest damage from the foaming, and from that evening the martial law forces withdrew to the outskirts. After the withdrawal, the citizens and the government negotiated, but Chun Doo - hwan decided to put the military on the grounds that he could no longer allow such a stalemate, so he would go into operation at dawn on the 27th. The US was also emphasizing that casualties had to come out of the situation at the time of the operation in the early morning of the 27th.

[Lee Jae-il / 5.18 Memorial Foundation Investigator: This kind of figure that agrees with Jeon Doo Hwan's hard-line repression is confirmed everywhere. So, until now, I was not responsible for 'I did not know' on the US side.

The United States, which had virtually accepted the martial law of the martial law forces, was worried that the fire spatter would spread with anti-American sentiment. I even knew that there was a problem with the martial law of the martial law. Koreans were expecting 'Oh, could the US be such a fighting situation?' The United States knew exactly what Koreans expected. So I was worried that the anti-American sentiment would be strong after a while, but I did not stop the hard-line suppression at the end. The United States told the US Ambassador to the US Department of State on the 22nd that he was asking for a halt to the military action. "The situation in Gwangju on March 21 has caused a lot of casualties due to the mass firing, and people are curious about the position of the United States. When I look at it, I think I'll have to make a statement in the US quickly and take my position. "

However, the content of the martial law belligerent oppression or the content was not such. I want a peaceful solution, but I do not mean 'stop the hard pressure now'. Instead, the conditional part is that 'if we announce the statement and the military force is put in shortly after that, is not the position of the US somewhat embarrassed', 'we have a clear promise not to mobilize military force for two days' . I have consulted with the military officers and the presidential office, and I have surely received such a promise. I was only asking you to stop mobilizing your troops for anti-American sentiments or concerns about these areas. I know Koreans are looking forward to it, but I have not seen such a move.

[Kim Hee-sung / Professor, Chonnam National University 5.18: It is the United States that can prevent the cruel killing that a soldier is doing. The US should have exercised control over the brutal suppression of the army in Gwangju ... ]

■ "This is really the last" ... 5.18 The Last Chance of Finding the Truth

The secrets of the US Department of State reveal that the last secrets of 5.18 have been revealed and that he should condemn Chun Doo Hwan through re-enactment. However, he denies the court's decision and claims that there is still no fault.

[Min Jung-ki] / Former Cheong Wa Dae Secretary: Claims that there was a helicopter fire. So far, none have been confirmed. 5.18 At that time, North Korea's spies were already caught up in the process of radio and communications, so it was already clear in the investigation and trial process.

Looking forward to a full-fledged investigation of Chun Doo Hwan, it is because the investigation committee for truth-clarification, which will be built according to the special law, will start its activities in September. Among the survey items, it is basically the last chance, because it is all about 'the fire commander and the helicopter shooting indicator' and also about the North Korean invasion theory. 5.18 When we do coverage, it is impossible for the investigation itself to be impossible in the next few years because the people concerned are already overdue. In order to confirm the fire commanders, we should check the US documents and these things comprehensively and find out the connection between Mr. Chun Doo Hwan and 5.18.

On May 18, 1980, father Gwangbok lost his 7 - year - old son,. Although the last appearance of his son is in sight, 38 years have passed.

[Kim Chae-hee / The 38th anniversary of the 5.18 democratization movement ceremony Host: My father, who is still looking for his son Changhyun Lee, came here.]

[Lee Woo-bok / 5.18 At that time, the 7-year-old son lost victim: I can not do everything in words. No matter how I look, my son does not come and there is no sound. I have found everything so far, but my son has no answer. "

Now that the last secret of 5.18 is being released, it is the responsibility of those left behind to reveal the truth beyond memories and memories.

◆ Jang Hoon Kyung reporter / SBS exploration department
(Planning: Jung Yoon Sik / Composition: Jang Aram, Jeonin Ah / Photography: Normal Boy / Edit: Lee Hongmyong, Kim Bo Hee / Contents: Park Ji Soo / Narration: Cho Ji Hyun)