※ SBS News will visit viewers with "THE JOURNALIST" series. The order is Chung Sung-jin, Han Se-hyun, and Park Ha-jung of the exploration report team 'Panda till the end' explaining the actual situation of 'suspicious overseas trip' <Editor's note>

■ "Panda to the end" team has another exploration report. How did you start covering it?

These are the agencies that the lawmakers give thanks to. I watched as the representatives of the National Assembly are using the money to the institutions as well. When Kim Ki-sik, the former chief of the FSS, said, "I have been on a business trip after receiving support from the detention agency." Then, Now, when I was in my 20s and 300s and I was in my 19s and 18s, it was said that I would like to see how many people have gone. I thought it would be easy to cover at first. So now I thought, 'You can ask the National Assembly,' and I asked, 'What goes to the National Assembly money remains in the National Assembly. But what the visiting agencies are going to do is that we can not see that one by one. "

So, "How can I do it?" I mean, "I have no choice but to ask the agency," I heard the answer. I spent a decade in the 18th, 19th, and 20th legislatures, paying only one penny from the organization, and I was supported by the period of the business trip, the state, and somebody who went with me and requested information disclosure. The exploration report team has been looking at them one by one and has been in the process of confirming each visit to the members of the parliament and the organization together.

■ The first case is 2013. Let's start by talking about the members of the National Assembly who traveled to the Middle East for 4 days and 6 nights on KEPCO money, saying, "We will inspect nuclear power plant construction."

It was said that two days out of four days was a cultural tour. "What culture did you visit in Dubai?" 'What culture did Amman explore in Jordan?' Now I was wondering. I do not think there is anything related to KEPCO related to nuclear power plants. I asked KEPCO again. In the past two days, we did not know what we did not know, but we did not ask if there was such a schedule that KEPCO should have gone and explained it to them.

We went to the refugee camp as we had expected, and this was the whole schedule, and then the schedule could not be used 24 hours a day to see the tower or 12 hours if it was half the time. Then, 'What are the rest of the schedule?' I do not know. I went there to eat or what I did.

■ The National Assembly's Knowledge Economy Committee said that it sent letters to the affected organizations to cooperate overseas. Is that a business trip just a week or so ago?

In Korea, we have to look good in some way. In other words, it is an organization that can criticize and criticize somehow what I say in parliament. I will send an official letter to the agency that can intervene and say that we will go to the Middle East a week ago and get ready. Then, I do not know if it is a proper expression in terms of the agency, but I can think of 'the arm is twisted'.

We sent a letter a week ago and said, 'We'll be visiting the Middle East now, so please prepare.' This is very embarrassing for the organization. In a week, I have to get all these things out, buy tickets and budget, and yet, of course, sending an official letter saying 'do this' is basically now' We thought that 'the consciousness of the people is reflected'.

■ I am going to be a member of the US Parliamentarians in the Food and Drug Administration at the Food and Drug Administration. What is the reason why I went back for 4 nights and 6 days and returned for 5 hours and 30 minutes?

At that time, the fake Baishuo incident was blown up, and now it was because of "I have to see the health food of the United States". In terms of the Food and Drug Administration (hereafter referred to as the Food and Drug Administration), the lawmakers say, 'I initiate legislation. I am preparing a bill, but I have to study. I need to prepare. Then I went to study a lot because it was a very big issue at that time. So I spent a lot of money and then what did I do?

It is actually a field trip level when I look at the contents. Just come on, give it a try, give it a presentation and take a picture. When I saw this schedule, I asked the senators again. For example, I asked, "Did you show me a lot at the US Food and Drug Administration?" And answer "No, I do not." 'I have a lot of control and security and I have not looked back'. So I asked again. "Then why did you go?" You can not answer. So, "Is not this what you can do in Korea?" He asked, "Oh, well, I did not know that until I went."

I asked the other senator. "What did you go to?" "Where did you go?" And then, the unfortunate answer came back. This trip was definitely a trip to the drugstore and we went to see a healthy functional food, and in fact there was a health food or infectious disease there, even if we look at the memorandum about how the United States goes about mers, I told you I explained it to you. It was stated, and the fact that the pharmacists actually talked about it. But what the senator remembers is that it has nothing to do with North Korea. This person belongs to the National Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly. I'm not going to spend this money.

■ There is also a case where the government department has helped the foreign ministers who came from the ministry to work overseas. It is a survey of the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.

In 2016, after Choi Kyung-hwan, the deputy prime minister of the economy, was working as a member of the National Assembly again, there was a research institute under the Political Bureau, not under the National Planning and Finance Committee. This is the agency under the Office of the State Coordination Office and I have contacted the researcher at the office of the Supreme Court. I'm planning this trip, and I'm requesting some support.

Why do not the senator contact the agency that is not the standing committee directly, and the researcher can not answer now. It is because the person in charge at that time is not working now, but the person in contact with us said "I do not know why."

When I go on a business trip from a research institute, I spend my money, so I have to write a travel report. In this report, our researcher said, 'This business is for business A, so I spent the budget allocated to business A.' This is a natural record. In this report, A, B , C business It is not such a part 'It seems that it is A when we analyze it. So let 's use A'. So, it is a big part to know that it is not an event prepared from the beginning of the year or from the previous year because it was originally planned.

That is the beginning of June, 2016, and the fact that it is going to go back to the end of July and return in early August was the period after the term of economic minister Choi Kyung-hwan. In 2016, Park Geun-hwan was still in office and Park Kyung-hwan was known to be a good neighbor.

■ Let 's talk about the Veterans' Welfare Medical Corporation. The president of the corporation recruited lawmakers and sent a business trip to the United States and Canada for 10 days and 9 nights?

When I contacted the business associations, I realized that I was interested because I was interested at that time, but in this case, the style of the chairman was reflected at that time, and I do not do it nowadays. I was able to answer that. Kim Eul-dong said, 'I came here because the proposal was made by the chairperson.' In the case of Lee, Yoon-ryong, he said, "I was going to go to the standing committee and I did not know what the budget was for the budget."

There is also such a part in Kim 's words. I am very interested in this kind of veteran and I was very interested in the chairperson and he replied to me that if he showed me something like this, he would not do it because he liked me. When I think about it, I think that I need to show the lawmakers that I have such a business trip, or that I need to show them that they need it, because they are the people who have the authority to take care of these things, We have also thought that there is little intention to prepare these things in the first place.

■ Some time ago, the National People 's Rights Commission (KCTU) has come up with the following statement: You said you were still in business after Kim Young-Ran's enforcement?

KOICA is Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). Now there are a lot of countries that can not live in foreign countries than our country. In that country, we pay our money and give it free aid, and if there is no road, we will be supported by the national budget, and all the expenses of the corps will be invested in the budget for the country.

In March 2018, I looked at my business trip to Cuba after receiving support from Koika. Four of the members of the Liberal Democratic Party (KWC), Jo Hoon-hyun, Kim Sun-Rye and Moon Jin-kuk, went to Cuba. I was going to visit the official development aid (ODA) project supported by Koika in Cuba. But now that we are looking at this part, I have only one member of the Assembly of Foreign Affairs and Reunification of the National Assembly. I mean, there is only one committee to thank Koika, and the other three are members of the other standing committees, such as the Board of Education, the Health and Welfare Committee, or the Environmental Labor Committee, who are virtually unrelated.

I would have called and texted your prescriber ten times, perhaps ten times per person. I made five to six phone calls. I kept putting two or three bucks a day, and by letter I said, "You can tell me why the senator has gone to this place." If you do not have a problem, if you tell me that it is not a problem, then I have not heard from you. The aides answered that they do not know because they are the members of the Senate, or the members of the Foreign Affairs and Reunification Committee, Woo Yoo-cheol, wanted to go and they knew what he was going to do.

So I asked the administration department. When asked, "Why did Chongqing Chan and other standing committee members send him to Koika?" We did not send that. " So, I asked, 'In Koika, I received an official letter from the administration office.' I replied, 'Oh, I thought I had a request from lawmaker Won-chul and we sent it.' So, I finally decided on the person in the office of Chungcheol in the end, and I put up a list and asked the administration office to put the cooperating letter in Koike. So Koika received the letter of cooperation and received the official letter from the Administration Office. I was told that I went on a business trip.

■ Even though the ban prohibition law was enforced, this overseas trip was not eradicated. However, I think the situation is now running because of Kim Ki-shik's financial situation.

In Koika, Kim Young-Ran law, I asked the National People's Rights Commission when the ban prohibition laws were enforced. Until now, we have always visited the parliamentarians with public officials, high-ranking officials and so on. Therefore, 'airfare and accommodation expenses such as the cost of support, it will violate the Kim Young-Ran law,' he asked the judgment on the rights and interests, this may be an exception. But the answer was that the business trip should be in the nature of public service, the purpose of business trip should be the same as that of business trip, and the internal payment should be made precisely so that this part will be included as an exception.

But recently, Kim Ki-sik, the former head of the Financial Supervisory Service, resigned and Park Eun-jung, chairman of the National People's Congress, Going to the visiting agency money means you can not deny this work relevance. Since the member of parliament is going to travel on behalf of the auditing institution, I decided that I would be prohibited from that point or violated. It is not just that the lawmakers of the National Assembly should be able to come up with the precise business of the public service even if the lawmakers come to the party. I do not think this is part of it.

◆ Chung Sung-jin / SBS Exploration Team
We are continuing our coverage now but we have not received it yet. There are still 2 to 30 agencies that have not responded yet, and if they come up with something else, the agency will also cover and report additional information. The fact that the lawmakers are going on business trips with the money to be visited is literally going on a business trip with the money of the agency that they should audit. Then, it is said that 'all the members of parliament who received the money will be able to audit it properly'. It's a good idea to keep those parts in principle.

◆ Han Se Hyun / SBS Exploration Team
There are three main types of explanation as to how members react. I avoid it once. I do not answer. I go to call, text, call, talk to my aide, and I do not answer. 'Oh, I will contact you,' or most of the time you do not answer the phone or do not call back and avoid it. I hardly know the second case. I went and said, 'What did I do?' Or 'Did you go? What did you go to? ' There are some things that are not explained here. The third is' Oh, I followed the business trip. When you come and go, you go. ' From the process of making the budget, to the fact that it came and went and how the report was written afterwards, I thought that the media should pay attention to a series of processes.

◆ Park Hae-jung / SBS Exploration Team
I know that the legislative office is also worrying about the improvement plan. I know that the lawmakers go to the budget of the National Assembly and the ministry or institution people go to their planned budgets and make improvements in this way. After all, it's starting from the treasury, is not it? I think this is because it is the national tax and it is because the media like us continue to report that I think that this money should not be used as crap. So far, I think that if there is a convention that 'I just did it and I do it again', this is the right place to take this opportunity.

(Planning: Jung Yoon Sik / Composition: Chang Aram, Jeonin A / Photography: Normal Boy / Editing: Lee Hongmyong, Kim Bo Hee / Contents summary: Park Ji-soo)