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One of the Restos du coeur with the portrait of Coluche, the founder. REUTERS / Eric Gaillard

" Today we no longer have the right to be hungry or cold. It is with these words that the humorist Coluche launched the Restos du Coeur. 34 years later, the association he founded is still there. More indispensable than ever, she continues to distribute food to the most precarious. This Tuesday, its 2,000 centers in France, including that of Asnières in the Paris suburbs, start their new winter campaign. The 34th. Reportage.

They are often single people or single parent families. We have many people of foreign origin. I do not say with zero resources, but with very few resources. So, they come to us because we are the last resort. We will provide people with six meals a week. I hope for them that they eat more than six times a week.

Report at the Resto du Coeur d'Asnieres in Ile-de-France 26/11/2018 - by Anna Piekarec Play

(Re) read: France has nearly nine million poor