A second complaint was filed Friday in Strasbourg by the mother of a wounded teenager on the sidelines of a gathering of "yellow vests", a few days after a first complaint for similar events, said a police source.

The complaint was filed for involuntary injuries and the investigation will have to determine if this 15-year-old teenager, injured on Saturday in a leg during clashes between "yellow vests" and the police, was the victim of a defensive bullets firing (LBD), according to a police source.

Another teenager hurt his face. He was heard Friday morning and his mother filed a complaint in the wake for involuntary injuries, confirming information from the Latest News of Alsace . According to the daily, the young man was hit by a shot of LBD in the left thigh, where he has a large hematoma. During the incident, he was in the company of another 15-year-old, who was wounded in the face and had to have an operation. He appeared last weekend, his face bloody, photos and a video abundantly relayed on social networks.

>> ON EUROPE 1: Prohibit the "defense bullets": "What do you put in the hands of the policemen instead?", Replies Castaner

A preliminary inquiry opened as of Sunday. A commentary accompanying the video stated that he had "received a flashball shot in the face". "The injury would be due to a shot from (LBD)," said a source close to the relief. A preliminary inquiry was opened as early as Sunday to determine the nature of the injury, and the teenager's mother complained on Monday. The young man heard Friday was on his side summoned by the Strasbourg police. "We knew there was a second casualty (...) Colleagues investigated" and eventually found this second teenager who also appeared on CCTV images and videos posted on social networks, has -on added.

An enamelled gathering of incidents. Like the first teenager, he told investigators not to have participated in the demonstration of "yellow vests", explaining that he was in the center of Strasbourg to make purchases. The gathering of 1,500 "yellow vests" Saturday in Strasbourg was dotted with incidents: the police intervened several times to disperse groups of demonstrators who wanted to access the city center or the station.