The Organization of European Road Carriers (OTRE) denounced Thursday an overcharging of their journey on motorways, an unexpected consequence of operations of "yellow vests" having disrupted the detection of toll vehicles. "It is a serious injustice to charge (the road transport companies) a situation they have neither wanted nor initiated!" The OTRE insurgent in a statement.

Routes billed on the basis of the longest. "Invoices sent to companies by motorway companies (...) include many surcharges lines calculated on the principle of 'the longest journey', with electronic toll badges not detected at the entrance. or at the exit of the highway "after actions of" yellow vests "disrupted the operation of vehicle detection systems, added the organization. "This represents 30 to 60 lines (extra billing) per vehicle per week," said the OTRE Secretary General, Jean-Marc Rivera.

"Pay the right price". With the first bills that are starting to arrive, "we become aware of the magnitude", he added, even if according to him, the road carriers "are not able to quantify" exactly the economic consequences. For Jean-Marc Rivera, road hauliers are "absolutely ready for anything" to solve this problem, but simply want to "pay the right price". OTRE says it sent a letter to the Minister of Transport, Elisabeth Borne, to alert him.