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Carriers were particularly affected by the move, as heavy goods vehicles were targeted by slowdown operations. Reuters / Pascal Rossignol

In France, Act IX, Saturday, January 12, the movement of "yellow vests" was marked by renewed mobilization and lower tensions. Two months of actions that took several forms: from the occupation of roundabouts to blockages and filtering, through events often enamelled violence. The "yellow vests" require, among other things, an improvement in their economic situation. But what is the impact on the country's economy?

0.1 point of growth in the fourth quarter, it is what could cost the "yellow vests", according to INSEE.

Concretely, two-thirds of the companies would be affected by the movement in very heterogeneous proportions. Some have been massively: deposits have been blocked for sometimes several weeks.

Carriers are also particularly affected, as heavy goods vehicles have been targeted by slowdown operations. At Christmas, the National Federation of Road Transport estimated at 2 billion euros the operating loss.

Some shops are suffering from a drop in consumption and the catch-up effect of the holiday season should not be enough to offset all the loss of turnover, according to Bercy.

As a result, 58,000 employees have been laid off. The government has already released 32 million euros to fund compensation.

The crisis is also affecting tourism. Atout France, the French tourism promotion agency, has recorded 5 to 10% fewer international flights to Paris in December. But the tourist office of the relativist capital: we are in low season and the impact in volume is therefore mitigated. And overall, 2018 should be a record year in terms of attendance for Paris.

(Re) read: France: mobilization up for Act IX of "yellow vests"