The disappointment was on Saturday in the ranks of "yellow vests", while the mobilization was down sharply on the fifth Saturday of mobilization. 66,000 people were demonstrating throughout the country at 18 hours, against 125,000 last week, including 4,000 at the height of the day in Paris. Coming from Nimes on the Champs-Elysees, Anthony was among the few hundreds of protesters to leave the Champs last, before reopening to traffic. "I am frustrated," he says at the microphone of Europe 1.

"I thought we were going to be heard more". "I'm frustrated, I thought that today there will be more people, more demands," he says. If he did not expect "not necessarily more violence", while 157 people were arrested in Paris, the protester hoped "we would do more to make themselves heard".

LIVE - "Yellow Vests, Act 5": protesters dispersed at the water cannon on the Champs-Elysees

"We are surrounded, we will end up going out, everyone will go home, it will end like that," he says again, recognizing that "there is more to do". E if Anthony is already looking into the future, saying that "we'll see how it will happen the following week", he finds, bitter, that the authorities "have conducted their boat well".