Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament Marc Fesneau said Saturday that the crisis causing the movement of "yellow vests" was not completed, but refers to "the end of a sequence" at the end of a mobilization day in sharp decline.

"We will have to give meaning" to the measures. "This is not the end of the crisis that has lasted for years, but it is the end of a sequence," said Minister MoDem in an interview published Saturday evening on the site of the Parisian , while the movement seems to be out of breath during act five. "People have seen that last week's announcements were aimed at meeting the expectations expressed, and the movement has become de-radicalized in terms of violence," he added, noting that it was a victory for the country. government and judging that we would have to "give meaning" to a crisis "always pregnant" and "deep".

>> READ OUT - "Yellow Vests": mobilization down, tensions, reactions ... What to remember from "act 5"

Call to "get back to normal". For Marc Fesneau, who does not "wish" that the mobilization continues, "we must return to normal to engage in the big debate" wanted by Emmanuel Macron.

"Good hope" that the measures announced Monday are adopted before Christmas. The movement "also highlighted that some French people feel isolated" and may find it difficult to return home while they "woven the social link" on the roundabouts ", this" need for listening and The minister said he was "hopeful" that the measures announced Monday night by Emmanuel Macron (increase in revenue at the level of the Smic, extra hours tax exempted, exemption from increase of CSG for pensioners earning less than 2,000 euros ..) can be adopted in Parliament before Christmas.