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For Act XXV "yellow vests" no major event, rather a multitude of initiatives are expected across France. REUTERS / Charles Platiau

After the demonstrations of May 1 which gathered between 150,000 and 300,000 people Wednesday throughout France, the "yellow vests" are preparing for a new weekend of mobilization. This Saturday should be marked by demonstrations in the capital, but also in the regions.

If we believe the social networks, it is a Saturday of weak mobilization which announces itself. No major event, rather a multitude of initiatives. Example, in the capital with the Facebook event entitled "act XXV sedition in Paris" which brings together only 200 participants and 1,200 people interested.

A rally is also planned at the Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport to protest the privatization of Aéroports de Paris (ADP), but again without arousing the enthusiasm of Internet users.

Finally, a procession declared in the prefecture gathering "yellow vests" and nursing staff must visit Paris hospitals.

But the most important event could take place in Lyon this Saturday with this call for convergence between young people mobilized for the climate and "yellow vests".

In addition, some want to take the roundabouts , encouraged by François Ruffin. The insubordinate French MP (LFI) urges opponents of the government to organize barbecues to mark Emmanuel Macron's two years in power.

Down for several weeks, however, the mobilization has experienced a revival on April 20 . The same scenario could well happen on May 25th, date chosen for a third ultimatum to Emmanuel Macron.