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President Emmanuel Macron at a meeting following the violence of this Saturday, March 16 in Paris. He is surrounded by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe (L) and Interior Minister Christophe Castaner. Christophe Petit Tesson / Pool via REUTERS

What more can be done to prevent violence on the sidelines of the "yellow vests" demonstrations? Two days after fires and degradations on the Champs-Elysees on the sidelines of act XVIII, Emmanuel Macron and his government are trying to find security solutions.

The French president promised Saturday " strong measures ", following the violence on the sidelines of Act XVIII of the "yellow vests". Which ones? Answers will probably come out of a meeting on Monday at the Elysee Palace with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner and Secretary of State Laurent Nunez, as well as the Keeper of the Seals Nicole Belloubet.

According to Parisian information confirmed by Agence France-Presse, the head of state is simply considering banning demonstrations on the Champs-Elysees. The prefect of police in Paris would also be on the hot seat.

He had to decide quickly and strongly, because no question for the executive to live another Saturday of violence. Quit to repeat himself. Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe had already played on the martial register to reach the anti-breakers law . But the text is still suspended to the approval of the Constitutional Council, at the request of the Head of State.


Emmanuel Macron was under the fire of the opposition all weekend. " Incompetent ", " lax ", " cut off from realities " ... The right and the extreme right have launched the toughest attacks against the lack of anticipation of the executive face the risk of violence, but also against attitude of the Head of State. Emmanuel Macron offered himself a ski weekend at the worst time. He returned hastily to Paris but the damage was done, giving the impression of an excess of confidence or a relaxation at the top of the state.

The Senate, dominated by the right, benefits. The ministers of the interior and the economy are summoned on Tuesday by the senators to explain the security flaws of Saturday.

The sequence is catastrophic. The government was already facing the big debate, hoping to have turned the page on the violent demonstrations of "yellow vests". Here he is again obliged to give an account and to make his mea culpa . " We are not there, " emailed Emmanuel Macron Saturday night, when Matignon Sunday acknowledged " dysfunctions ".

Banca de jornais é incendiada na avenida Champs-Elysees, com o Arco do Triunfo ao fundo REUTERS / Philippe Wojazer