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The Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, and his Secretary of State, Laurent Nuñez, during the installation ceremony of the new police prefect of Paris, March 21, 2019. REUTERS / Christian Hartmann

Two days before the act 19 yellow vests, the Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner received Thursday, March 21, the main police unions. For nearly two hours together, they developed the security feature of this Saturday.

Inconceivable for the executive to review the images of a sacked Paris . So first change in the police system, for more reactions, the chain of command will be shortened.

" The reality on the ground is when you have a squadron or a CRS who is attacked, who is attacked, we must give confidence to the head of the operational system to act, " said David Le Bars, Secretary General of the Union of Commissioners of the National Police (NPCS).

CRS will be more in touch

The police can take initiatives in situation. Last week, they had to wait for orders from their superiors. Another change in the police this Saturday: the CRS will more often in contact and this is not synonymous with more violence.

" It's not because the police or the gendarmerie is more mobile in the action, that it goes into contact, that it creates more wounded. This was the example of December 8th. There had been a very dynamic device. But remember, on December 8 , there had been more than 1,000 arrests and custody and there were fewer injured than December 1, "says the same David Le Bars. 70 wounded on December 8 in Paris against 110 wounded on December 1 .

As after one of the most violent Saturdays of the movement of "yellow vests", the Minister of the Interior displays the greatest severity towards the breakers. The "yellow vests", they can demonstrate but should expect to be particularly supervised by the police.