A teenager, aged 15, was wounded in the face Saturday on the sidelines of a gathering of "yellow vests", peppered with incidents in Strasbourg, told AFP Sunday to the police. The boy was taken care of Saturday around 16:30, then drove to the hospital where he underwent surgery, police said, who was unable on Sunday to determine the nature and circumstances of the injury.

He would have "received a flashball shot in the face". On photos and a video posted on Twitter, we see a teenager, the bloody cheek on the docks surrounding the Grande-Ile. According to a commentary accompanying the video, he "received a flashball shot (defensive bullets launcher, LBD) in the face". One of the authors of the photos, claiming to have witnessed the scene, claims that he was injured when he "came to shop".

In Strasbourg, a teenager of just 15 years old received a flashball shot in the face.
It's a fucking kid. # # GiletsJaunes ActeIXpic.twitter.com / PpBU3E9Lpn

- Jean Hugon (@ JeanHugon3) January 12, 2019

Strasbourg today, a 15-year-old boy who came to shop blew himself up in front of me # GiletsJaunes # ActeIX # Macron # MacronDemission # Acte9 # RICpic.twitter.com / uzPOEguTQr

- Little Owl (@JaneTexier) January 12, 2019

The boy will be examined by "a medical examiner to determine the injury," the police added. The facts were reported to the Strasbourg prosecutor by a duty officer, it was said. "Either the responsibility (of the police) is engaged and the prosecution can seize the Inspectorate General of the National Police (IGPN) to determine the circumstances of the facts, ie the nature of the injury is not related to (a shot from LBD) and an investigation will be opened to determine the cause, it is accidental ", developed the police.

No complaints yet. Contacted, the director of guard of Strasbourg University Hospitals has not confirmed the care of a teenager for this type of injury. According to the police, the boy was still hospitalized Sunday at pediatric emergencies, where his mother went on Saturday. "She is waiting to talk to her child and the friends who witnessed the scene before filing a complaint," the police said.

The prefecture of Bas-Rhin confirmed to AFP that no complaint had been filed Sunday. A gathering of 1,500 "yellow vests" Saturday in Strasbourg was dotted with incidents: the police intervened several times, including on the docks, to disperse groups of demonstrators wanting to access the city center or the city. station.