The "yellow vests" they will again mobilize Saturday for a "act V"? The question was already asked Monday evening, after the announcements made by Emmanuel Macron in favor of the purchasing power. It is even more serious after the deadly shooting Tuesday night in Strasbourg. While the police are exhausted by a month of continuous mobilization, many politicians call the "yellow vests" not to demonstrate Saturday. But not everyone hears it that way.

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"Yellow vests" divided. The announcements of the President of the Republic have already led some "yellow vests" to calm the game. Jacline Mouraud, spokesperson emblematic of the movement, called in particular a "truce". But this position is not shared by all his comrades, many of whom are not satisfied with the measures promised by Emmanuel Macron. Eric Drouet, another spokesman, called for "do not give up".

The shooting of Strasbourg divides again the "yellow vests". "SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2018 ACT V! Do not let us impress by this attack mounted by the secret services !!!", could read on Tuesday evening on a page of gathering "yellow vests", against a background of conspiracy theories very shared on social networks. "Who goes to Paris anyway Saturday? I'm going to perso!" exhorted another surfer. Others call for the movement to continue with a black sign, in homage to the victims of Strasbourg. Finally, voices (not audible) require that everyone stays at home this weekend.

Policies call for "responsibility". Unlike "yellow vests", politicians have (more or less) tuned their violins since Tuesday night. Secretary of State for the Interior Laurent Nuñez said Wednesday "hope there will be fewer demonstrations" Saturday for "Act V", counting on a "general responsibility" of the French after the attack in Strasbourg. Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet also considered that "the movement (should) stop".

The opposition does not say anything else. "Faced with the threat that we know, it seems to me urgent to suspend this movement," said the mayor Nice Republicans Christian Estrosi, Wednesday on Europe 1, adding that this "does not prevent further dialogue" on the claims elsewhere. "The police, who are exhausted, must be able to focus on the safety of the French," he pleaded. National Rally spokesman Sébastien Chenu said it was "difficult" for "French people in the streets, on the roundabouts" on Saturday. "Everyone must take responsibility, we must not add difficulty to difficulties," he said.

" The situation has changed substantially but the threat already existed "

Some dissonant voices. Marine Le Pen is a little more reserved and "suppose that the demonstrations of the yellow vests can not take place Saturday", France being placed in "emergency attack". "If the minister makes a decision as serious as that which consists, in a democratic country, in banning demonstrations ( only in Strasbourg, ed ), it is, I suppose, that he must have the elements", he said. she estimates. For his part, the boss of the Communist Party Fabien Roussel refused to call the "yellow vests" not to protest. "All the French are exhausted, those who have a police helmet on their heads, who are exhausted officials, but also French who have been fighting for weeks to live with dignity," he said.

Authorized demonstrations but very controlled. Despite the security context, no ban on demonstrations at the national level has yet been formulated by the government. "We are not there.The measure that has been taken is the ban on demonstrations in Strasbourg only Wednesday," said Laurent Nuñez on France Inter. "The situation has substantially changed but the threat already existed" before the attack on Strasbourg, he said, before calling the "yellow vests" to "declare their demonstrations".

If they were to be held on Saturday, the protests should be tightly framed. France has been placed in "emergency bombing", which allows for "enhanced identity checks", said Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet. A laissez-faire that does not satisfy the editorialist of Europe 1 Jean-Michel Aphatie: "We know that when an attack occurs, it can give envy, alas!, To other terrorists or terrorist apprentices to do The same thing, when there are crowds in the streets, what a danger and therefore irresponsibility to call to protest! By simple decency, it is not necessary that the 'yellow vests' manifest Saturday.