While Prime Minister Philippe Philippe made his mea culpa, saying that the executive had "not listened enough to the French" before the crisis of "yellow vests", the Secretary of State to the Minister of Education national Gabriel Attal has in turn acknowledged that the government has so far little partner social partners and the French on public policies. "We realized that we had not done enough for a year and a half," he conceded to Sonia Mabrouk on Monday.

"We sometimes got a little lost" in a technical approach. Gabriel Attal returned on the controversy triggered Monday by Gilles Le Gendre, leader of the LREM deputies, who said on Public Senate that the majority had "probably been too intelligent, too subtle" on the question of purchasing power. "Gilles Le Gendre immediately clarified and corrected what he said, he meant that sometimes there is an overly technical approach to the subjects (...) and that we sometimes got a little lost in there", translated the Secretary of State, recognizing despite all that "everyone can meet around that".

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"Change of method" of the government. At the same time, Gabriel Attal confirmed a "change of method" of the government, in the wake of the crisis of "yellow vests": "Yes, there is a change of method, to associate more the social partners, the intermediate bodies , and to allow the French to express themselves on public policies, "he assured, going so far as to speak of a" turning point ".