President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), Alexei Rakhmanov, told reporters about plans to strengthen the naval and civil fleets of Russia. According to him, in the coming years, the production of vessels operating on liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be expanded.

“We will certainly increase the production of LNG vessels. We are talking about the “baby” ships that will work within cities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, and even about powerful icebreakers. 3-4 years is, in our opinion, the period during which the first pilot project of the LNG ship will be ready, ”Rakhmanov said.

He explained that USC had the experience of building such vessels at the Finnish shipyard Arctech Helsinki Shipyard. This company belongs to the United Shipbuilding Corporation, but must be sold before February 2019 because of the sanctions imposed earlier.

“We have an understanding with which partners who have experience in creating bunkering technologies, transportation and storage of fuel, to work, as well as an understanding of how to use LNG vessels for shipping. In this issue, shipbuilders need state support, ”Rakhmanov added.

  • LNG carrier
  • © / Thomas Lion

In May, 2018, the head of USC spoke about the transition to LNG on the fields of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2018). He recalled that an icebreaker powered by liquefied natural gas had already been built at Arctech Helsinki Shipyard. Rakhmanov stressed that for Russia "this is a unique solution." However, in order to use LNG, it is necessary to build infrastructure facilities (first of all, storage facilities for this fuel).

In a conversation with RT, Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine columnist Dmitry Drozdenko called the use of LNG fuel a “very promising idea.” In his opinion, liquefied natural gas is one of the most efficient types of energy carriers. Its advantages are low cost, corrosion safety for power plants, reducing emissions of pollutants into the environment.

“We are just beginning to realize the enormous potential that LNG carries in it. We are dynamically developing the Yamal LNG project of Novatek, confirming that liquefied gas can be used on tankers carrying this energy carrier. For Russia, it will be an inexpensive and effective solution, ”explained Drozdenko.

Reinforce Marine Corps

One of the most important areas of USC work may be the development of the project of universal ships with modular structures for the needs of the Navy. According to Alexei Rakhmanov, "it will be an identical steamer in its bow and below the waterline, but with specialized add-ons that are designed to perform various combat missions."

“We are talking about ships, which, depending on the installation of deck structures, can serve as helicopter carriers and universal amphibious ships, and, possibly, aircraft carriers. However, in my opinion, this is a controversial proposal, since modular designs are not widely used in the naval forces of other states because of the difficulties in replacing them. In addition, the final decision on this project, as I understand it, has not yet been made, ”said Vasily Dandykin, captain of the 1st rank of the reserve, in an interview with RT.

According to the expert, Russia is in dire need of universal landing craft (UDC). At the international military-technical forum "Army-2018", the Krylov State Research Center (CSCC, St. Petersburg) presented a draft UDC of the "Surf" type with a displacement of 23 thousand tons. According to officials, the construction of two such ships is included in the state armament program (LG) for 2018–2027.

According to KGNTS materials, the length of the promising UDC is 200 m, width - 34 m, speed - 14-20 knots (26—37 km / h), cruising range - 6 thousand miles (9.6 thousand km), autonomy - 30 days. The Surf can receive an air defense system and a 76-mm artillery mount, but during the march the UDC should be covered by a group of strike ships.

“The tactical and technical characteristics of our ship are almost the same as the Mistral.” At the same time, "Surf" is much better indicators of combat stability. The ship is even equipped with a ramp (landing platform for landing), which can be used in case of emergency, ”said Sector Head of the KGNTs project department Aleksey Licis on the margins of the Army-2018 forum.

  • Layout UDC "Surf"
  • © RT

Vasily Dandykin stressed that the appearance of the "Priboev" will allow the Navy to solve a lot of problems associated with the transportation of military equipment and ammunition. UDC will also strengthen the anti-submarine capabilities of the navy and increase the potential of the marines. On board the ship can accommodate up to 500 infantry, 50 armored vehicles, 10 tanks, up to 12 helicopters, 6 landing boats and 6 assault boats (on davits).

“The need of the Navy in ships of this class is extremely high. At a minimum, we need to build two "Surf": one - for the Northern Fleet, the other - for the Pacific. If funds allow, then it makes sense to build a third ship for the Black Sea Fleet in order to solve the problem of the “Syrian express”, that is, the delivery of cargo to the SAR from the Black Sea ports to Tartus, ”Dandykin explained.

On the way to a new generation

As part of the course to enhance the presence of the Navy in the far sea zone, USC will build two or three large landing ships (BDK) according to the updated project 11711. According to Alexei Rakhmanov, the hull design of the new ships will be somewhat different from the lead ship "Ivan Gren".

In June 2018, the Yantar shipyard (Kaliningrad) hosted a solemn ceremony of raising the flag of St. Andrew at the Ivan Gren, the lead ship of the project 11711. After this, the ship made the transition to the location of the Northern Fleet. In February-March 2019, tests of “Peter Morgunov”, the second BDK of this series, will start.

The project ship 11711 is able to accommodate an infantry battalion (up to 400 people) or a reinforced marine company with standard equipment (up to 100 people). In addition, in the internal offices of the BDK can accommodate up to 13 tanks or more than 30 armored vehicles. Deck "Grena" and "Morgunova" is designed for parking one transport helicopter and two multi-purpose Ka-27.

  • BDK "Peter Morgunov"
  • © Shipbuilding plant "Yantar"

Vasily Dandykin noted that the construction of several ships of the project 11711 - a logical step to update the fleet BDK. The structure of the Navy, with the exception of "Ivan Grena", includes ships built in the 1970s and 1980s at the Polish shipyard Stocznia Połnocna (Gdansk). The youngest BDK of the Russian fleet (Peresvet and Korolev) are over 25 years old.

“Ideally, Russia needs to build in the coming years 6-8 ships of the project 11711. Ships of the class“ Ivan Grena ”- a deep modernization of the Soviet project, but it is equipped with new engines, on-board equipment, has a greater capacity. Putting into operation these BDKs will give the necessary time reserve for the development of the landing ship of a new generation, ”Dandykin will summarize.