The US authorities are morbidly dependent on the practice of imposing sanctions on other states, said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

"I believe that the US has a disease - a predilection for sanctions," Zarifa is quoted by CNN.

According to him, even during the presidency of Barack Obama, the United States to a greater extent focused on maintaining existing sanctions than on fulfilling commitments regarding financial restrictions that Washington took off.

Zarif expressed regret at the fact that, in his opinion, the United States has never learned the historical experience: economic constraints create difficulties, but do not have the proper political influence on Tehran.

"I thought that the Americans learned this lesson, but was wrong," the Iranian minister explained.

In addition, on the eve of Zarif in his Twitter published a message on the coup d'état in Iran in 1953. According to him, the group for coordinating US policy toward Tehran, created last week, wants to repeat that political scenario. It should be noted that five years ago the CIA recognized its involvement in this historic event.

"On this day 65 years ago, the United States overthrew the people elected by the democratic government of Mossadegh, restoring the dictatorship and enslaving the Iranians for the next 25 years. Now the "Action Group" on Iran wants to do the same with pressure, disinformation and demagogy. Never again, "the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry wrote.

65 years ago today, the US overthrew the popularly elected democratic government Mossadegh, restoring the dictatorship & subjugating Iranians for the next 25 years. Now an "Action Group" dreams of doing the same through pressure, misinformation & demagoguery. Never again.

- Javad Zarif (@JZarif) August 19, 2018

The theme of the SVPD

Speaking about the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (VCPA), from which the US withdrew in May, Zarif stressed that Iran does not intend to review the agreement and will seek the fulfillment of its conditions on the part of America.

At the same time, answering the question about the possibility of holding a meeting between the presidents of the two countries Hassan Ruhani and Donald Trump, the diplomat said that much will depend on the desire of the American leader to convince Tehran that he is a "reliable partner".

"If we now take the time to sign another agreement ... How long will it last?" Until the end of his stay in power? "- Zarif wondered.

Recall that after exiting the nuclear deal, the US Ministry of Finance announced the restoration of sanctions against Tehran. The first part came into force on August 6. Restrictions, in particular, affected foreign exchange operations, trade in precious metals, aviation and automotive industry. The second stage will begin on November 4, when the restrictions will affect transactions related to Iranian oil and petroleum products.

At the same time, the foreign ministers of Great Britain, Germany and France, together with the head of EU diplomacy, Federica Mogerini, condemned such a decision. In response to Washington's actions, they launched a blocking regulation, which prohibits European companies from stopping business in Iran because of American sanctions.

The need to preserve the Iranian nuclear deal was also stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin noted that Moscow will work with European partners to minimize the negative consequences of Washington's decision to withdraw from the SVAP.

"It is extremely important to maintain this multilateral agreement approved by the UN Security Council aimed at strengthening regional and global security and the nuclear non-proliferation regime," Putin said during a press conference before the talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on August 18.

Meanwhile, in the United States, they declared their readiness to introduce secondary restrictive financial measures against those states that continue to cooperate with Iran. This is due to the desire to completely deprive Tehran of sources of income and opportunities for "further financing of terrorism."

"At present, even the closest allies of the United States resist these sanctions. The US is twisting our hands - this is their attempt to exert pressure. I do not want to use the term "intimidation", but this is it, "the Iranian Foreign Minister explained.

"Iran needs economic indulgence"

As professor of the Higher School of Economics Alexander Domrin believes, the rapprochement of the positions of Iran and the United States is unlikely, especially before the mid-term elections to the US Congress (November 6). According to him, any actions in this direction will be counterproductive.

"It's not in the national interests of the US, because Iran poses no threat to the US - it poses a potential threat only to Israel. In order to keep the electorate in the US, Trumpu least need to irritate the Israeli lobby in the United States. I do not think that over the coming months there will be normalization of relations with Iran, or even a hint of it, "Domrin said in an interview with RT.

The expert recalled that the SVAP group also includes Germany, France and the United Kingdom, which expressed dissatisfaction with the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal. In his opinion, thus Washington missed the levers of influence on the allies.

"The nuclear deal is multilateral, it was not a bilateral agreement between Iran and the United States, Europeans are least interested in the US extending its outlet to European countries. This is against the interests of the participants themselves. In this sense, it is significant that the US is losing not only the process of control over Iran, but also the support of European partners, "the analyst said.

As noted by Irina Fyodorova, senior researcher at the Center for Middle and Near East Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tehran's position is justified, since the US has undermined its own credibility as a reliable and worthy negotiator. At the same time, she said, Iran can make concessions if the United States softens its position.

"First of all, Iran needs economic indulgences, Iran stands for the fact that US sanctions are not renewed and do not create restrictions for foreign companies, for trade and investments in Iran," Fedorova said.

At the same time, she stressed: the commitment of European governments to the SVPD does not mean that companies from Europe will retain their investments in Iran.

"The trade turnover of the EU countries with Iran is about $ 6 billion, but the trade turnover between the EU and the US totals trillions of dollars, so no action by the Iranian government can completely compensate European companies that they will not obey US sanctions against Iran. They will keep the deal, but only de jure. At the same time, I do not think that European countries will influence the position of the US, since now there is a period of serious economic contradictions between them, "the expert explained.