US President Donald Trump proposed his plan for overcoming the government crisis, which arose because of significant differences between him and the congress on budgetary issues. The result of the opposition of the Trump administration and representatives of the Democratic Party was the continuing 30th day shatdown - a partial suspension of the government’s work. This is the longest shutdown in the history of the United States.

“Both sides in Washington should just get together, listen to each other, lay down arms, show confidence, lend a hand to the opponents and find a solution,” the head of state said.

In his televised address to the nation, Trump touched upon immigration policy, the situation at the border of the United States and Mexico, and the construction of a wall on the southern borders of the country. It is on this issue as the Democrats and the American leader occupy the most rigid position.

According to the President of the United States, his new proposals are a “compromise of common sense." Thus, the head of the White House expressed his willingness to extend for three years the program to protect young migrants from deportation (DACA) and the Temporarily Protected Persons Status Program (TPS), which provides special rights to certain categories of immigrants. In exchange, Trump expects congressional consent to allocate $ 5.7 billion to build a wall on the border with Mexico.

Recall that the program to postpone the deportation of arriving children (DACA), which provided protection against the expulsion from the United States of illegal immigrants who arrived in the country as children, was created and put into effect by the administration of former US President Barack Obama in 2012.

This delay could benefit migrants who arrived in the United States under the age of 16 years. At the same time, at the beginning of the program, they were supposed to be under 30 years old, had no criminal record, were students or graduates of American educational institutions, and so on. Immigrants in the States who fall under this program are also called “dreamers”.

In September 2017, Donald Trump canceled the DACA program with his own decree, for which he was repeatedly criticized by representatives of the Democratic Party.

  • Reuters
  • © Shannon Stapleton

In addition to financing the construction of a steel barrier system in a number of priority areas on the southern border of the United States, Trump also proposes that Congress allocate $ 805 million to retrofit border services to combat drug trafficking, $ 800 million to humanitarian programs, $ 782 million to increase border guards by 2,750 people and $ 563 million to support the system of immigration courts, including hiring 75 new judicial groups.

President of the United States of America. It includes:

- The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 20, 2019

“To each member of Congress: adopt a bill that will end this crisis. To every citizen: contact Congress and tell them to finally, after all these decades, secure our border. It’s a choice between good and evil, justice and injustice, ”Trump stressed.

“This is not a compromise, but a hostage taking”

After the president’s speech, the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, announced that he intends to submit the proposals put forward by the head of state for consideration by Congress. In his opinion, the presented plan is a way to quickly resolve existing contradictions.

“When the two parties work together, the Senate can promptly send the bill to the House of Representatives, so that they also begin to act. The situation for employees sent on forced leave does not improve, and the border crisis is not corrected. But the president’s plan is a way to quickly resolve both issues, ”said McConnell.

At the same time, Democratic congressional leaders rejected Trump’s proposals even before his speech, based on media publications.

So, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi expressed regret that Trump's plan is essentially a set of gathered together previously rejected initiatives, each of which is unacceptable to Democrats.

Democrats were hopeful that they were willing to re-open the government. Unfortunately, reports make it clear that his proposal was rejected.

- Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 19, 2019

“His proposal is a compilation of several previously rejected initiatives, each of which is unacceptable and, in general, is not a bona fide attempt to return certainty in people's lives. It is unlikely that any of these proposals separately would be able to get the approval of the House of Representatives, and when put together they are all the more doomed to failure, ”Pelosi said.

At the same time, the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, said that he did not consider Trump’s plan to be a worthy proposal, since the president proposed to extend the programs as concessions, which he also canceled.

“It was the president who abolished the protection of migrants under the DACA and TPS programs. To offer to return some protection in exchange for a wall is not a compromise, but hostage taking, ”the parliamentarian said.

Bet on large capital support

According to the chief researcher of the Institute of the USA and Canada, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics Vladimir Vasilyev, both the President of the United States and the Democrats will continue to stand on their positions regarding the financing of the wall. At the same time, Trump is trying to find a compromise instead of introducing a state of emergency - given that the head of state’s rating is plummeting.

“According to some data for this month, he lost 9% of his support and popularity. Negative phenomena in the American economy are also beginning to grow. In general, 50% of respondents lay responsibility on Republicans and Trump, and only 20-25% believe that the Democrats are to blame for everything. It is not clear why the president, under all these conditions, continues to put forward proposals that will be rejected, ”the expert noted.

The RT interviewer noted that there can be two explanations for this behavior of the president. First, Trump continues to appeal to his electoral base, which supports him. And secondly, against the backdrop of the closure of the government, stock markets are rising.

“It is believed that the form of closure to the Shatdaun is a form of curtailing the state’s presence in the economy. That is, Trump openly relies on the support of big business and financial circles, he believes that all this justifies itself, ”added Vasiliev.

In turn, Professor of the Department of Comparative Political Science at the RUDN University, Yuri Pochta, in a conversation with RT noted that, judging by what is happening, the Democrats decided to act according to the principle “the worse, the better.”

“Shatdaun seriously complicates the work of the government and some areas of the country's governance are virtually without proper control. Begin some personal altercations. Earlier, Trump did not let Nancy Pelosi go on a business trip along with a number of Democrats; he did not give an aircraft to the Air Force, ”the expert said.

He noted that initially Trump hoped to “tweak something in the country a little, make some improvements,” but instead, everything in the United States could “end in failure.

“Trump, even during his campaign, set goals that meet US national interests. But everything that he touches collapses. President breaks ties with NATO allies, he sharpened hostility between Democrats and Republicans. One half of the country hates the other, and until we see attempts to find a common language. The Democrats decided to set foot on the warpath without compromise. And now they, along with Trump, are breaking the country's government system, ”the Post concluded.

Add that arising from the differences between Trump and the Democrats who have the majority in the lower house of congress, the shatdaun is every day updating the record for the duration of inaction of the federal government. Sunday, January 20, will be the 30th day of the suspension of the work of the federal authorities. The former "achievement" was established under the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton (21 days, from December 16, 1995 to January 5, 1996).