President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, as a witness, was summoned to the General Prosecutor’s Office for questioning in the case of crimes against protesters at the “Euromaidan” in 2014. About this "Ukrainian News" said the head of the special investigations of the Prosecutor General Sergey Gorbatyuk. It is noted that the interrogation will be held on May 7.

At the same time, according to the publication, Poroshenko did not sign the interrogation protocol, conducted back in November 2016.

Poroshenko himself said he was not satisfied with the investigation of crimes on the Maidan in 2014. Responsible for this, he called Gorbatyuk.

However, Gorbatyuk, commenting on these words of the president, indicated that Poroshenko himself creates obstacles to the investigation.

“I constantly stated the problems accompanying the investigation. Including - spoke about the responsibility or rejection of the same president. If there was a desire to help, then during that time one could join (in the investigation. - RT) ... It’s just a desire to find some “extreme” problems without voicing any problems, ”he told

In particular, the representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office accused the president that the courts are not fully operational and that many cases are delayed.

“Just here it is the responsibility of the state leadership, since all five years of his cadence almost half of the courts are not staffed or the term of judges’s term has not been extended, which, accordingly, increases the burden on the courts and makes it impossible to consider cases in a short time,” Gorbatyuk emphasized .

He also recalled that complaints are sent to the High Council of Justice regarding the violation of laws by the judges and the deliberate delaying of cases, but there is no answer to them. And this despite the fact that the council consists of representatives of the president.

The third problem, the responsibility for which lies on Poroshenko - the adopted laws, which directly harmed the investigation, Gorbatyuk added.

“This is the adoption of amendments to the legislation within five years, which were detrimental to the investigation and created grounds for the destruction of the cases themselves solely on procedural points. This and the so-called. “Lozovoy Amendment” (reduction of pre-trial investigation. - RT ), loss of powers of investigators investigating Maidan cases. But the president signed these laws. Thus, the president personally created problems for the investigation of the Maidan’s affairs, ”the representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office concluded.

  • Reuters
  • © Olga Yakimovich

Recall that during the events on the Maidan of the year, more than 100 people were killed in total, several hundred were injured. Among the victims were both protesters and employees of the special unit "Berkut". A total of 4.7 thousand crimes were registered.

"We must blame"

In Ukraine, the president, whose tenure in his post has come to an end, is a convenient goal in order to shift responsibility for failures to him, according to Professor of the Department of Comparative Political Science at RUDN University Yury Pochta.

“After the end of the next period, it is necessary to shift the blame on someone, to find a person who will personify all the flaws. It is quite possible we see the beginning of this drama, it is a comedy. There is the answer for that - it is war crimes, state terror against a part of its population, this is large-scale corruption, its own enrichment, clan relations, ”he said RT.

We note that a group of specialists has been created in Ukraine and in other countries, which will investigate possible crimes of Poroshenko and his entourage. Svetlana Kryukova, deputy editor-in-chief of the publication “”, told about it on the Ukrainian NewsOne TV channel.

“There is an informal group of people who will be engaged in a systematic and systematic pursuit of the current elite in power. In order to force the Ukrainian courts and law enforcement officers to imprison the president (Poroshenko - RT ) and his inner circle in the future, ”the journalist said.

In addition to Poroshenko’s opponents, members of his team can take up arms against him, said Vladimir Olenchenko, a senior researcher at the Center for European Studies, IMEMO RAN.

“I think that his colleagues will be interested in this in order to evade themselves. But whatever he did, he did not do it alone. Here there are two vectors: one is connected with the real discontent of the population, and also those who worked with him will try to say that he is primarily responsible, ”he said RT.